Armed and Dangerous, a Study in God's Armor for Menസാംപിൾ

Giving Cover-fire
“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” – Ephesians 6:18
There’s an old African proverb that says, “Alone I can go fast; Together we can go further.”
A lone soldier who is well trained for combat might move very efficiently, with speed and precision, on a battlefield or in a tactical situation. But when soldiers stand shoulder to shoulder in their ranks, or back-to-back when surrounded, their power, ability, and durability don’t just increase, but multiplies.
The only thing not covered or equipped with the Armor of God is your back. Every aspect of God’s Armor brings focus on the frontal parts of our spiritual kit that enables us to keep focus and move forward. But nothing is said for what piece of armor protects us from what comes from our blindside… The things that sneak up behind us to stab us in the back.
Interestingly, the Armor of God equips men to only fight and move forward, advancing, not retreating. But Paul also calls us up to provide cover fire for others all over the world. To stay alert, to be persistent, and pray from the blindside, watching one another’s backs. We cannot always know what another brother is going through. We might not always know what to say, or even what to do. But we can always pray, calling upon cover-fire from the Higher Ground. Asking the Holy Spirit that has sniper precision, to cover the backs of those in front of us, those around us, and even those far away from us.
Maybe at times we might not even know how, or what, or for whom exactly we should pray. And that is when the Holy Spirit comes to our assistance, like the shooter in the tower or on the hill behind us, understanding and seeing the lay of the land that we cannot (Romans 8:26). He is the One who understands what’s happening all around the spiritual realm, but we have the responsibility to engage with Him when we see and hear our friends and families taking enemy fire. And therefore, Paul called us to prayer and action in the Spirit, always and for all occasions.
As men of God, we are not called to fight our own battles. We are called to join the battle God has already fought, take ownership, and stand in unity. We cannot carry one another’s burdens, but we can carry one another in prayer and by simply supporting in any way we can.
At times this might be through encouraging words, and even strong and straightforward calls to action. Sometimes it will come down to supporting each other with available resources. Many times, it might mean that we must warn each other as we watch out for each other. But it will always require persistent and perceptive prayers.
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14-22
Check Your Armory:
What is your understanding of “praying in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.”?
How can you “never stop praying”, even when you have so many things to get done each day?
In which ways can you provide “cover-fire” to your friends, family, and other believers?
Who do you need to pray for today?
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Men like to feel “dangerous.” Men want to be armed and ready. When we are fully devoted to Christ, we are armed, dangerous, and a threat to the devil's schemes. Let's get equipped with God's Armor through this 10-day study in Ephesians 6:10-20.