Armed and Dangerous, a Study in God's Armor for Menസാംപിൾ

Locked & Loaded
“Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” – Ephesians 6:17
The greatest battlefield a man will ever step into, is the battle of our minds.
Knowing and remembering that you are saved is a crucial part of being and acting like someone who is saved. It locks in our identity in Christ on a mental level. Remembering how we gained salvation and what it means to be saved by the blood of Christ can impact our decisions and deeds daily. No wonder Paul likened the headgear of God’s armor to the salvation that renews our minds and protects our thought-life.
Along with this protection of our minds, we are also given the weapon to wage our war with – the Word of God. And this is the power-glove that packs a punch like no other. It’s the double-edged sword that splits joint and marrow, even soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12). It’s the gun that doesn’t run out of ammunition. The Book of Life, inspired by the Author of Life – putting Jesus and all His goodness on print, to be imprinted into our very being (John 1:1-5; Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 3:1-6).
When we face trials and temptation, the initial battle is always in our minds. Do I give up, or do I allow negativity to get the better of me? Do I give in, and entertain this evil desire further in my thoughts? Adam faced temptation first and failed, not standing on God’s command nor promise. But then Jesus faced temptation just like we do – maybe even more so – but understanding and applying the Scriptures correctly made Him victorious (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13; Hebrews 4:15-16).
As we enter each new day, remembering our salvation through Jesus, we can ask His cleansing and discerning power to cover our minds. As we read and study Scripture, remembering our weapon of mass discernment, we can ask the Holy Spirit to download what we learn to our memory and give us the understanding of correct application. And like the gear of modern tactical units, our spiritual helmets are also fitted with night vision goggles, allowing us to see clearly even when surrounded by darkness. And our weapons are fitted with spiritual sights to lock in and keep track of our targets, even in difficult and disturbing situations.
So, let’s renew our minds, refocus our aim, and reload our spiritual arsenal. Know the Word of God, meditate on it regularly, and let the Holy Spirit direct your thoughts. Put your sights on and take aim with Jesus.
Let’s get locked and loaded for each new day!
Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 & 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Check Your Armory:
What do you observe about the links between God’s Word and our minds?
How can you practically have your mind renewed every day?
Which Scriptures have you locked in your memory to recall and stand upon when faced with everyday struggles and temptations?
What do you need to pray for today?
ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Men like to feel “dangerous.” Men want to be armed and ready. When we are fully devoted to Christ, we are armed, dangerous, and a threat to the devil's schemes. Let's get equipped with God's Armor through this 10-day study in Ephesians 6:10-20.