Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18ഉദാഹരണം

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18

30 ദിവസത്തിൽ 17 ദിവസം

What is this passage saying?

Back in chapter 10 we prepared for this moment. The moment where false teachers would rise and add conditions to salvation. Men from Judea were teaching that unless you were circumcised you could not be saved. You can read when God instituted circumcision with Abraham in Genesis 17:9-14. Circumcision was a very important practice for the Jews, it separated them from the pagan nations. Every Jewish man was circumcised as a bodily sign of consecration to God. There was great pride in this for the Jews. Instead of being humbled by the fact that they were God’s chosen race, they used this as a reason to look down on pagan nations. Maybe they forgot God’s people were meant to be a blessing to the people of earth. Gentiles are being welcomed into the Church, but they were not circumcised. For some Jews the question was how the Gentiles could be chosen by God without being physically consecrated to God through circumcision. They can’t be God’s people and not circumcised. Jesus is the mediator of a New Covenant, the Old Covenant was necessary, but as God had planned Jesus is the mediator of the New Covenant. John MacArthur writes this about the transition, “The book of Hebrews sets forth the theology of the transition from the Old Covenant to the New; Acts depicts the New Convent’s practical outworking in the life of the Church.” In these verses we are seeing some bumps in the process. What will encourage us in the following verses is how the early Church handles this dispute. Salvation is through Jesus alone, no additions.

What is this passage teaching?

What we learn from Paul and Barnabas in these passages is to be bold when you know that the Word of God is being misrepresented. The death of Jesus needs no addition. I invite you to read about His death in Luke 23:26-56. Paul and Barnabas knew what happened to Jesus and how He suffered for other people’s sin. Jesus suffered and was beaten, how dare those say that His death on the cross was not enough for salvation. How dare they say that in order to be saved you must believe in Jesus and be circumcised. Jesus’s death was enough. Verse 2 is awesome. Paul and Barnabas hear about what these men are teaching and the NKJV says, “Therefore, Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them,” This wasn’t a small disagreement, the man were going to put an immediate stop to this nonsense. Jesus corrected people directly, Peter knew that full well. His correction was holy and perfect- He convicts His people as a kindness to them. His conviction keeps us from the things that pollute us. These Judean men were polluting the brethren with lies, the disciples corrected them directly. The more you rely on and know the voice of God, He will guide you through His Holy Spirit in the ways of Him. Don’t assume things of God, know God and He will direct you. There will most likely be many times in your life when you need to correct directly. If you have spent time cultivating intimacy with the Lord, the moments won’t catch you off guard, and you will absolutely improve the more opportunities you have. Correction is necessary for everyone. Do not stand idly by while the ways of the Lord are profaned, leading people astray.

How do I respond?

Be encouraged that the plans of God will never be stopped by man. Be bold when other try to profane the ways of God, but also know He is in control. While there is opposition in this passage from within the Church, there is also praise and celebration about what God has done. Follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit and praise God for what He has done.


ദിവസം 16ദിവസം 18

ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18

In this 21-day "journey" through Acts chapters 10-18, you will begin to see that the Book of Acts is not merely an account of what happened, but rather what is still happening, to this day, around the world! You will get to see the power of the Holy Spirit on display in the lives of the men and women who followed Jesus back then and recognize and appreciate the Holy Spirit's continued presence and power today.
