Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18ഉദാഹരണം

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18

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What is this passage saying?

Things are happening! The Church has been incredibly effective and successful. The Lord is

accompanying the apostle's proclamation of the Gospel with miraculous signs. The Gospel is

spreading like fire. This chapter opens with a Caesarean man named Cornelius, a centurion of the

Italian Cohort, a gentile. He was a righteous man, seeking after God. One day an angel who appears to

Cornelius says that his righteous acts have ascended before God as a memorial. The angel tells

him to send men to Joppa to bring back Peter. This story sets the stage in order to show God's plan

for salvation was available to the gentiles too. Anyone could come to faith in Jesus- so the gift of

Salvation can be given to all.

What is this passage teaching?

This passage is setting the stage for how The Lord was going to expand the early Church, and

ultimately the entire body of Christ for years to come. As we continue to read the New Testament,

we see that accepting Gentile believers was a point of contention for some of the Jewish leaders

of the early Church. False teachers will rise to teach against the acceptance of Gentiles. False

teachers will teach that circumcision is necessary for Salvation. The kindness of our God in this

passage and the next passage shows the undeniable truth that is God's plan. The God of the

Old Testament and New Testament is the same God- He does not change. The Jews were His

chosen people. Abraham and his offspring were chosen by God to proclaim God to the nations.

While they were the chosen nation, this did not mean that people born into other nations were not

able to join the people of God. If a Moabite renounced their god Dagon and followed God, they

would be able to live among the Jews and observe the law. Ruth is proof of this. The invitation

from God has always been "Come, see, believe, and follow Me." This passage is further assurance

for us Gentiles, that Salvation truly is the greatest gift, and it is available to everyone. Cornelius'

obedience really is such a beautiful beginning.

How do I respond?

A life of godliness brings such peace and joy. Cornelius was successful by the world's standards.

Yet his life of righteousness was known, and it defined his family. The Bible is not hiding how to

live a godly life from you. The Gospels are filled with Jesus' life to show us how to live. Submit

all your ways to Jesus and He will direct your steps. These are the only steps worth taking.


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ഈ പദ്ധതിയെക്കുറിച്ച്

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18

In this 21-day "journey" through Acts chapters 10-18, you will begin to see that the Book of Acts is not merely an account of what happened, but rather what is still happening, to this day, around the world! You will get to see the power of the Holy Spirit on display in the lives of the men and women who followed Jesus back then and recognize and appreciate the Holy Spirit's continued presence and power today.
