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Evenings With The Holy Spirit보기

Evenings With The Holy Spirit

7 중 7 일째

I Don't See as Man Sees

I am El Shaddai. I don't see the way man sees. I don't think the way man thinks. I see over, above, and beyond the circumstances that try to weigh you down. So see Me as I am. I am the One who meets your needs, who nourishes your soul, who supplies your heart's desires, who satisfies your hunger and thirst. I am the Lord of abundant blessings, and I will walk with you through the circumstances that try to weigh you down and take you over, above, and beyond where you thought you could go.

Thank You for being almighty in my life. Thank You for seeing my heart's intentions even when I don't live up to my own standards. Thank You for all of Your promises and all of Your blessings. Help me walk in the fullness of Your plan for me.


묵상 소개

Evenings With The Holy Spirit

End your day by growing in your prayer life, gaining a deeper understanding of God's nature, and developing a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. This devotional is based on the book Evenings with the Holy S...


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