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Evenings With The Holy Spirit보기

Evenings With The Holy Spirit

7 중 3 일째

Spirit or Flesh?

Being able to discern spirits requires you to have a discerning spirit. Deducing, supposing, presuming, or otherwise guessing can be a dangerous exercise. Many times what you think is merely the flesh.

Be cautious not to get out of balance in the spiritual realm. The flesh is at enmity with Me. I war against the flesh. Often what you are facing is not a spirit but someone's carnal nature rising up against you. The person's actions may or may not be motivated by a spirit. Always ask Me.

I don't want to play guessing games in the spirit, so I need You to show me what You need me to see. Help me to stay in balance with the Word of God so that I don't open myself up to deception. Increase my ability to discern the spirits.

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묵상 소개

Evenings With The Holy Spirit

End your day by growing in your prayer life, gaining a deeper understanding of God's nature, and developing a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. This devotional is based on the book Evenings with the Holy S...


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