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Evenings With The Holy Spirit보기

Evenings With The Holy Spirit

7 중 1 일째

New Beginning

You can have a new beginning. It doesn't matter how many new beginnings you've had before. Don't believe the lie that you can't have any more. Jesus' work on the cross paved the way for another new beginning and another and another - as many as you need. Our Father's mercies are new every day. Seasons change. Believe that you can have a new beginning in any area of your life that has not aligned with Father's perfect will for you. Embrace this precious promise, get back up again, and walk toward the new beginning. Father has good plans for you. It's up to you to move into His grace.

I believe I can have a new beginning because the Word of God tells me so. Help me walk in this promise as I transition from one season to another. Give me strength to hold fast to this great and precious promise when I can't see what door to walk through. Walk with me.


묵상 소개

Evenings With The Holy Spirit

End your day by growing in your prayer life, gaining a deeper understanding of God's nature, and developing a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. This devotional is based on the book Evenings with the Holy S...


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