The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey 예제

The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

40 중 22 일째

Renew Your Mind


God completely understands who we are and what His purposes are for our lives. Our minds do best when we live wisely by deepening our understanding of who God is. That’s contrary to the world’s view of wisdom as something we can gain through exclusive study and education of earthly things.

God does not care much about what school you went to or how many of the Bible’s 66 books you have memorized. To get a true understanding of God, you must first fear Him.

We don’t like the word fear. It creates an image of someone trembling in a corner while facing imminent danger. Relating this type of fear to a loving God doesn’t seem to make sense, and it doesn’t. That is not what God is looking for and from His people. That kind of fear comes from an orphan spirit, like a child who has grown up on the streets, fending for him- or herself and unable to rely on a loving parent.

Godly fear stems from our awareness that, through our sin, we have carelessly danced around the fire and gotten burned, but His love can heal us. This godly fear reminds us that no matter how hard we try to do what we ought, we still do the things we ought not to do. This is why God sent His Son.

The more we grow in understanding of and intimacy with Christ, the more we will know who we are and be freed to grow into our true, whole selves.


When you hear the phrase, “Fear God,” what does it mean to you? How does today’s devotional change your understanding of what it means to fear God?

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The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

Adapted from an eight-week faith and fitness Bible study by Alisa Keeton, The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey offers daily devotions on eight topics essential to true and lasting weight loss. A journey to wellness isn’t just focused on what you eat or how many pounds you weigh, but the “weight” that keeps you from living an abundant life in Christ.
