The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey 예제

The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

40 중 23 일째

Renew Your Mind


Not only is God’s mind filled with all wisdom and knowledge, but it is also undivided.

Unlike our minds, which easily change course depending on our thoughts and feelings, God never changes His mind. His love for us will always be the same.

So how do we keep our minds undivided and whole? Taking all our thoughts captive to Christ is simple in theory but hard to do. It’s something we have to keep practicing. Since we are human, emotions often rise up inside us, threatening to jump past the peace and presence of the Lord within us and head straight into the battleground of our minds.

A mind at war is immediately divided within itself. That is why we must pay attention to our thought lives.

How do we do that? Second Corinthians 10:5 tells us, "we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” That requires intentionality, and the practical application is this: You must slow down!

As Christians, we are really good at throwing Bible verses at bad thoughts, but we never get to the root of where those accusations come from. They are like criminals running loose in the streets of our minds. They need a day in court!

Taking our thoughts captive requires practice, practice, practice. We must learn to slow down and see the warning signs that our minds are beginning to divide. We can minimize or avoid the carnage in ourselves and others if we take all our thoughts, lay them at His feet, and wait for clarity. Let Christ be your example.

Christ is meek. We often think meek equals weak in this world, but that is incorrect. One definition of meekness is “strength under control.” Christ carried our sins on His blameless back, and not once did He decide His suffering wasn’t worth it or rage against the world’s injustice toward Him.

Amidst the criticism, the naysayers, and the haters, Jesus stayed the course.

As a result, the enemy lost the ultimate battle, and we have won! Christ was, and is, the embodiment of quiet strength. We need this meekness of mind, this strength under control – even when we experience pain.

When we do so, God wins, we get an undivided mind, and God gets His glory. We can’t lose.


How often do you renew your mind? In addition to studying the Word, what could you do to renew your mind?

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The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey

Adapted from an eight-week faith and fitness Bible study by Alisa Keeton, The Wellness Revelation 40-Day Journey offers daily devotions on eight topics essential to true and lasting weight loss. A journey to wellness isn’t just focused on what you eat or how many pounds you weigh, but the “weight” that keeps you from living an abundant life in Christ.
