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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions

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 Barriers to Wise Decisions Part VI

  In a Harvard Business Review article, Mike Erwin identified six reasons that can lead to poor decisions. So far, we’ve considered decision fatigue, distraction, lack of input, multi-tasking and emotions. Our final reason is analysis paralysis.

In today’s Information Age, we don’t lack for information. More information typically leads to a longer decision making process, especially if you want all the facts before coming to a resolution.

Since one Google search can turn up millions of results, one can easily over analyze any possible decision. 

Solomon learned and shared about moderation in Ecclesiastes 1:18 when he wrote, “For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.”

Mr. Erwin recommends determining the pertinent information you need, not chasing more data. Once you have the important information, set a deadline for when the decision will be made, then stick to it.


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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions

Some decisions are easily made. Others require more time and attention. Why do we sometimes make poor decisions about important matters? This study outlines six reasons.
