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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions

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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions Part III

 Mike Erwin, CEO of the Character and Leadership Center, tackled decision-making in a Harvard Business Review article. He identified six reasons that can lead to poor decisions. We’ve looked at decision fatigue and a steady state of distraction. Mr. Erwin’s third reason is lack of input.

The Kellogg School found that in a typical meeting, an average of three people do 70% of the talking. Unfortunately, the ones you probably need to hear from the most are those with introverted personalities. They can be your most thoughtful colleagues. 

Proverbs 17:28 says, “Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.”

Mr. Erwin recommends that to counter this possible lack of input from your deepest thinkers, send out a meeting agenda 24 hours in advance, and create a meeting culture that solicits everyone's input.

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묵상 소개

Barriers to Making Wise Decisions

Some decisions are easily made. Others require more time and attention. Why do we sometimes make poor decisions about important matters? This study outlines six reasons.

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