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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions

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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions Part V

 In a Harvard Business Review article, Mike Erwin identified six reasons that can lead to poor decisions. Yesterday we looked at multi-tasking. Today we’ll look at the fifth reason: emotions.

As a young trainee in banking, I was presenting loan requests to the bank’s CEO. When I realized that he was in a foul mood, I moved my toughest loan request from the top of my stack to the bottom. 

He noticed and asked why. When I fearfully told this CEO why I rearranged them he changed the subject and told a joke. 

Then he said, “Now show me the bottom loan.” 

Proverbs 16:32 teaches, “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”

When emotions are getting the better of you, practice and exercise self-control before making a major decision.

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묵상 소개

Barriers to Making Wise Decisions

Some decisions are easily made. Others require more time and attention. Why do we sometimes make poor decisions about important matters? This study outlines six reasons.

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