Harvest Thanksgiving All Year Round!Sýnishorn

I was trained as a child to stop before eating, bow my head, and thank God for my food. To this day, 77 years later, even in a restaurant, I bow my head in thanksgiving.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I feel this has been lost by many today. I am not being judgmental; just trying to share what I am observing. My heart soars when I see others thank God without shame for what we have been blessed. One of the reasons this practice is not as celebrated as days have gone by is that people have become so busy that families rarely eat together.
Timothy warned us later about teachers who will push their doctrine and rules on the people. The verse prior tells that some will teach abstinence from certain foods and from marrying."For every creation of God is good. Nothing that is received with 'thanksgiving' should be rejected because it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." 1 Timothy 4:4-5
When Jesus fed the multitude, the first thing, He did was to lift the five loaves of bread and two fish toward heaven and give thanks to God before He broke it. He did this again when He fed the multitudes with seven loaves and fish.
Taking the time and utilizing another opportunity to show the Lord our thankfulness helps grow a thankful spirit.
It isn't that I expect a thank you from people when I do nice things for them, but if they never take the time to show their appreciation, I wonder if they appreciate the blessing. So, it is with God; may He never have to doubt our thankfulness.
When I write about praying over our food in public, please know this is not a performance. Although it does minister to others who see people bow their heads before eating, it isn't that we loudly say a prayer over our food drawing attention to ourselves.
Perhaps onlookers may think we are radical or crazy, but it could stir their souls. It is funny how we can go to a high school, college, or a pro ball game and scream our heads off, yet because we don't wish to embarrass ourselves, we shy away from thanking the God of the Universe for the blessing.
• If you haven't prayed before eating in a long time, begin today. Why? Because it not only stirs God's heart, but it will grow your thanksgiving!
• Begin at home. Begin by yourself and branch out to praying with your family.
• In time, you will want to bow your head in the restaurant!
• If you act crazy at a ballgame, you can be a little crazy for God!
About this Plan

I am amazed at the lessons we can learn from other cultures! Some seem to have less materially, yet they exude a deep sense of thanksgiving and joy! I don’t know about you, but I want thanksgiving and joy to be such a part of me that it is as easy as breathing! In this plan, we will discover how to make the season of thanksgiving a daily practice!