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Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

A Year in Luke/ActsIhe Atụ

A Year in Luke/Acts

ỤBỌCHỊ 350 NKE 364

As we read Psalm 89 today, it serves as a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness - even through all the many different trials and seasons of life. Whether we’re at our highest heights or our lowest lows - God’s love is still steadfast and His faithfulness still endures forever. Just like Paul knew as he brought before the courts on trial, God is faithful and He will always be there with us.

Okwu Chukwu

Ụbọchị 349Ụbọchị 351

Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

A Year in Luke/Acts

Spend a year immersed in Luke's account of Jesus's life and the spread of the gospel through his followers as the Spirit empowers them.
