Fruit of the SpiritIhe Atụ

Fruit is grown on trees and is a natural source of energy that’s good for you! But what’s the opposite of fruit? Well, I guess that would be CANDY! Candy is not grown on trees, it’s not natural and eating lots of it is not good for you.
Say you’ve been to a birthday party and while you were there you ate cake, chips, pizza, chocolate, and candy. On the way out the door you’re given a huge bag of candy to take with you, so you eat it in the car on the way home. It all tasted good while you were eating it, but you’re probably going to feel sick!
The opposite of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives is the fruit of our self-nature. Our self-nature tries to get our own way all the time. The fruit that comes from living this way is loneliness and sadness, hatred and fighting, jealousy and anger. This kind of fruit isn’t good for anyone. It’s opposite to the kind of life God has for us.
Living out of our self-nature and getting our own way might feel like fun at the time, but it doesn’t produce good fruit in our life. You can’t eat candy and pizza all the time and expect to be healthy. And you can’t live out of a selfish nature and expect to have a life of good fruit!
The first fruit of the spirit is ‘Love’. Love is putting others first, not letting our self-nature runs the show. Real genuine love for others comes from God’s spirit within us. God gives us the fruit of the Spirit to help us live our life with Jesus.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Discover the Fruit of the Spirit. God's spirit produces good fruit in my life. Stay connected to Christ and bear fruit. A life with Jesus produces good fruit.