Fruit of the SpiritIhe Atụ

In Galatians, the Bible talks about two kinds of fruit, fruit that comes from God’s Spirit in us or fruit that comes from our selfish nature. The fruit that comes from our selfish nature is like not-so-yummy food. It gives us a life that is opposite to the life that God has for us. It’s selfishness, fear, unkind words, jealousy, trouble and anger.
The fruit that comes from God’s Spirit in us is different, like fruit growing in an orchard it’s fruit that is good for us!
The fruit God’s Spirit grows is; affection for others, enthusiasm about life and peacefulness with one another. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction to live a holy life. We find ourselves living in a way that is loyal and committed, not needing to force our agenda in life.
God’s Spirit produces good fruit in my life!
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Discover the Fruit of the Spirit. God's spirit produces good fruit in my life. Stay connected to Christ and bear fruit. A life with Jesus produces good fruit.