Fruit of the SpiritIhe Atụ

Did you know that an apple tree can produce up to 400 apples a year? Apples are picked by hand in orchards and the largest apple picked weighed 1 kilogram! (3 pounds). That’s the size of a honeydew melon! For apple trees to keep bearing lots of fruit they need to be pruned in the winter. The gardener will cut off any broken or diseased branches, weak stems or branches that are not bearing any fruit. The branches need to bear fruit for the tree to be doing what it’s made to do, grow apples!
You and I are branches connected to Jesus. Our job is to stay connected and bear fruit. But we’re not growing apples, we’re growing God’s kingdom! Another fruit the Holy Spirit is growing in our life is the fruit of ‘goodness’.
Goodness is doing what is right. A person with goodness will obey God and do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Goodness doesn’t mean a person does the right thing just because they have to or so they stay out of trouble. Goodness in a person does the right thing because they want to. How do we know what is good? God shows us, through His word, the Bible, and through His Spirit.
When we stay connected to Christ, the Holy Spirit within us bears good fruit.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Discover the Fruit of the Spirit. God's spirit produces good fruit in my life. Stay connected to Christ and bear fruit. A life with Jesus produces good fruit.