Worth SharingIhe Atụ

Communication has changed a lot in just one generation's lifetime.
In the past, if you wanted to share a message with a friend, you either had to do it in person, over a landline phone, or by writing a letter. Depending on where your friend lived, they would receive that letter in three to seven days.
Now, we communicate with each other instantly. We can post something on social media and communicate with the world in seconds. We can use our phones and send messages that can be received immediately. There has never been a time when communication has been easier and quicker.
Our verse for today reminds us Jesus is sending us out to communicate His message of hope and love to the world. But how do we do that?
Andy sends a text message every morning to his best friend, letting him know that he is praying for him. Stephanie takes a screenshot of the verse of the day on her Bible app and shares it on Instagram. Brandy records a TikTok video every day, telling her followers that they are valued and that they matter.
Regardless of how we communicate the message of Jesus, the important fact is that we take a step forward. Whether it's in person, through a conversation, a text message, or a post on social media, we have many opportunities to talk about Jesus.
How will you take a step to share the Good News of Jesus with others?
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

For the next four weeks, we'll follow the story of Samuel to see how God called him to share his faith through his words and actions. We'll discover how God invites us to share the Good News, see why sharing the Good News should start with prayer, explore what to do when sharing the Good News sometimes requires risk, and see how sharing the Good News can happen every day.