Worth SharingIhe Atụ

Maybe you know someone who grew up in church and loved Jesus. They might have attended church every Sunday and prayed every day. However, no one would know they were a Jesus follower if they never shared.
Whenever the subject of Christianity or the church comes up at school, we might want to hide and not say anything.
If this sounds familiar, it just might be time to become more committed to your faith by sharing about it. It takes time to understand that being a fully devoted follower of Jesus means we live in a way that others would know about our faith.
To do this, we can ask God to help us live in such a way that our friends can see our faith reflected in our day-to-day life. That can look like taking a risk and asking someone about their faith journey. If they're not sure what that is, or what that's like, we have the perfect opportunity to share what it means to us. It's not always easy--in fact, becoming more vocal about our faith comes with lots of practice, and may take longer than we expect.
Our Scripture today reminds us that sharing the Good News takes risk, but it also takes intentionality. As we invest in our relationship with Jesus, we will be ready to share the Good News with the opportunity comes.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

For the next four weeks, we'll follow the story of Samuel to see how God called him to share his faith through his words and actions. We'll discover how God invites us to share the Good News, see why sharing the Good News should start with prayer, explore what to do when sharing the Good News sometimes requires risk, and see how sharing the Good News can happen every day.