Worth SharingIhe Atụ

Sharing big news can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.
Have you ever had something really cool happen to you, but you didn't know who to tell? Maybe you went through your phone, hoping to think of someone who would share your excitement, but you couldn't think of someone whose excitement would match yours.
That same mix of emotions can come up when we think about sharing our faith in Jesus, too.
When we give our lives to Jesus, it's the greatest decision we could ever make. It's more significant than making a sports team or becoming the first chair in an orchestra. It's bigger than getting an acceptance letter from your ideal college. Nothing tops the life-changing decision of choosing to follow Jesus.
Deep down, we know we want to tell other people about this big news, but fear can keep us from speaking up, right?
We're afraid people will ask us questions when we don't have all the answers. We're afraid someone is going to disagree with us and a friendship may be strained. Sometimes we're afraid we're going to get made fun of or be misunderstood.
Thankfully, God knows exactly how we feel. God cares deeply about our concerns and fears. Our Scripture today reminds us that God keeps track of how we feel and helps us in the midst of whatever we're feeling.
Even in the face of our fear, God reminds us that we have good news worth sharing.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

For the next four weeks, we'll follow the story of Samuel to see how God called him to share his faith through his words and actions. We'll discover how God invites us to share the Good News, see why sharing the Good News should start with prayer, explore what to do when sharing the Good News sometimes requires risk, and see how sharing the Good News can happen every day.