Worth SharingIhe Atụ

Why are you a Christian? Have you ever given it much thought?
Some of us believe in Jesus because our parents believe in Jesus. Some of us have grown up in church, we sang a lot of Jesus-type songs and said a lot of Jesus-type words. For many of us, believing in Jesus is what we've always done.
Others of us are new to this Christian faith thing. We came to believe in Jesus after we were invited to a Bible club or a youth group event.
But when you think about your story, why did you choose to follow Jesus?
Chances are, you were searching for something. You may have been searching for forgiveness, peace of mind, or purpose in life.
You can probably think of people around you who are searching for something, too. There are people all around us who feel hopeless, alone, or forgotten. They might want to find something that will satisfy them, and you have the Good News that can help them complete their search.
So often, we think sharing our faith means talking about Jesus with someone who lives in a foreign country or in another part of our town. While we may have those opportunities someday, we have the chance to share our faith with the people closest to us now.
We don't have to look very far to find people who are searching for hope, peace, or purpose. Just as Jesus transformed our lives, we have the opportunity to share about the love we've found with others.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

For the next four weeks, we'll follow the story of Samuel to see how God called him to share his faith through his words and actions. We'll discover how God invites us to share the Good News, see why sharing the Good News should start with prayer, explore what to do when sharing the Good News sometimes requires risk, and see how sharing the Good News can happen every day.