RhythmIhe Atụ

Even when we have a good idea of our gifts, we might not always have a place to use them. You might realize you're great at throwing Christmas parties, but it's the middle of July and a bit early to be thinking about the holidays. Even though you may not have the best place to use your gift right now, there are still some things you can do.
In today's reading, you'll hear about the Spirit of power, love, and self-discipline that God gives to everyone who follows Jesus. When we don't know exactly how to use our gifts, discipline is an important word. As we're waiting to figure out the role our gifts can play, we can keep working on developing our skills and abilities. We can continue to practice, learn, and harness our gifts so we're even more competent and skilled.
While we're making rhythms of discipline and practice, we can also work with others to think about new ways to use our gifts. Together, you might imagine a new scenario or an interesting event for your youth group where your gifts could fit perfectly. You might even realize the perfect place for your gifts was in front of you all along. If you still can't think of anything, that might be a sign to work on developing some other gifts while you're waiting for the right opportunity. As you do, trust God and know that if you've been given a gift, you'll have the chance to use it.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

For the next four weeks, we'll take some time to explore how we can build rhythms that help us connect with God in new ways. We'll discover how to build a strong rhythm that can sustain us through whatever life brings our way. We'll look at how to create rhythms that help us spend time with God, use our gifts, share our stories, and spend time with others.