RhythmIhe Atụ

As humans, we crave stories we connect with on a deep level. So it shouldn't surprise us that many of the songs that mean so much to us have compelling stories. Whether it's the lyrics themselves or the story behind how a song was made, we can become so interested in it that we want to share it with whoever will listen.
In the book of Acts, Philip meets someone from out of town and it changes his life forever. When this traveler had questions, Philip took time to share about his personal experiences with Jesus. When he shared his story, he inspired this man to follow Jesus himself.
Just like Philip, you have a story about how God has been working in your life. Those stories, with Jesus at the center, have the potential to change the lives of the people around us. Sharing your story can feel a little scary and daunting, but taking the risk to share such a personal thing can be so rewarding. You don't need to be the best speaker or nail the delivery. Instead, God invites you to create rhythms that help you communicate your experiences authentically.
Whether it's through music, art, or a conversation with someone, telling your story can inspire others and draw them closer to God. So, don't be afraid to step out in faith and share your story with those around you. Create rhythms to you share your story, and let the light of Jesus shine through.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

For the next four weeks, we'll take some time to explore how we can build rhythms that help us connect with God in new ways. We'll discover how to build a strong rhythm that can sustain us through whatever life brings our way. We'll look at how to create rhythms that help us spend time with God, use our gifts, share our stories, and spend time with others.