There Is Hope: A Road to HealingIhe Atụ

By Jesus’ Wounds we are Healed
Beautiful, today is a tough topic. I think we need to address it and I am depending on the Holy Spirit to personalize and speak to your heart today.
To move forward, I feel we need to address some big questions: why did God allow this to happen to me? If God is good, then why didn’t He stop it? These are tough questions. It is something that will take time in prayer, time in His Word, and likely time in a counselor’s office.
I promise you that I asked the same questions. I also convinced myself that God was good, but I was not and maybe I deserved what had happened to me. If you, like I, have thought that, let me say right now that is a lie. You don’t deserve what happened to you. You deserve to be healed and whole in Christ.
What I came to realize is that there is so much evil in this world. We have a real enemy and he is out to kill, steal, and destroy you and me. I had to decide: I could allow the evil to overcome me and win or I could lay my brokenness at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to walk with me through a healing journey.
For me, I chose to lay it all out at the feet of Jesus.
It has been a long road and I want to mention that in addition to all we have walked through in this plan, I also found a great counselor. It is important to find someone who understands trauma, someone you can feel safe with sharing the things no one else knows. I believe God raises up people who have the gifts needed to help us on our healing journey. Do not be afraid to reach out and find a counselor. Mine has been a huge help in my journey.
I am stronger, wiser, and braver because I chose to take steps toward healing. I am here using my voice to encourage YOU! I need you to know, what the enemy meant to use against me, God is using for good!
I need you to hear and know, that no weapon formed against me will prosper! The same is true for you!
I need you to believe that by His wounds—the ones Jesus endured on the Cross—by those wounds, we are healed!
Sweet sister, there is so much hope in His Word. You know what I am going to ask you to do. Pray, seek, speak, write and mediate on these truths. They are for you!
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Statistics show that about 1 in 2 women have endured an attempted or completed sexual assault and 1 in 3 are impacted by domestic violence. This shows that we have many women who need hope and healing! I’m not an expert, just someone within those statistics who loves Jesus and wants to help others.