There Is Hope: A Road to HealingIhe Atụ

Jesus Chose You
Hello beautiful! So happy to see you! Let’s dive right in today.
A part of my story I have not yet shared is that I was raped in my early 20’s. That one event changed me on the deepest level. I was not following Christ at the time and the coping tools I used were very unhealthy. They also were not rational and if relief did come, it was temporary. To say I was in a bad spot was an understatement.
If you are like me, you have tried many things to help you numb, to not feel the pain. The pain that accompanies trauma is deep and heavy. It embeds itself in your being and comes out in voices and words telling you the meanest, most awful things. Things like: you are worthless, a no one, not good enough, too much, someone that is not worthy of love, not worthy of anything good.
For me, I felt I was playing whack-a-mole with things to help me cope with the pain: men, drugs, alcohol, food, men, drugs, alcohol, food…. It was a vicious cycle. When I could get one vice knocked down, another would pop up. I kept trying to fill this huge, black hole in my being that was sucking up my joy and spitting out self-hate.
I was a broken girl in need of a Savior and I found Him when I literally couldn’t stand anymore. What I discovered in His Word is that He knew me. He knew everything about me, beginning with my current state and all my mistakes and failures, all my ugly, all my pain and yet, He CHOSE me!
I found a Savior who loved me like crazy. The things He said about me…how could I not fall in love with Him? How could I not want to give my heart to Him? But it was a choice. I had to take the words in His Word as truths written for me.
I would love for you to take some extra time today to really let these words wash over you. Let them become your new truths about who you are!
Sister, YOU are God’s chosen, His special possession. He began a good work in you and He will complete it! You are a new person. The old life is gone! You have been established, anointed, and sealed by God! You are chosen, holy, and dearly loved!
Doubt any of this? Then let’s dig into His Word, the TRUTH. You know what I am hoping you will do by now. Read it out loud, proclaim these truths over your life, write them and post them. Meditate on them and talk with God about them.
He hears you, sees you and deeply cares about you.
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Statistics show that about 1 in 2 women have endured an attempted or completed sexual assault and 1 in 3 are impacted by domestic violence. This shows that we have many women who need hope and healing! I’m not an expert, just someone within those statistics who loves Jesus and wants to help others.