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Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily DevotionalIhe Atụ

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

ỤBỌCHỊ 354 NKE 365

Rejoice in the Hope of Experiencing God's Favor The Bible is full of hope-filled promises for you and me. We have access to God's presence. He wants to heal us of our diseases. He will supply all our needs. There are so many more, too many to count! That's why it's so sad when Christians miss out on God's promises due to lack of faith. Here's the question: Are you expecting those promises? Good things begin to happen to you when you rejoice in the hope of experiencing God's favor on a regular basis. Luke 2:52 (AMP) tells us that "Jesus increased in...favor with God and man." You and I access the favor of God by faith. We can increase in that favor and experience His promises just like Jesus. Even if you don't see those things in your life now, you can rejoice and put your hope in God, knowing that they will come. Everything that is promised in the Bible is for us. So rejoice in the hope of experiencing God's glory right now and He will make incredible things happen in your life. Prayer Starter: God, I expect and rejoice in Your promises for me. I believe that You can bring to pass everything that I'm promised in Your Word.

Okwu Chukwu

Ụbọchị 353Ụbọchị 355

Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Start or end your day with practical and powerful insights based on God's Word with Joyce Meyer. In as little as 10 minutes a day, this 365-day devotional will help you renew your mind and discover that a life of purpose and passion really is possible - every day!
