Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily DevotionalIhe Atụ

Think Right So You Can Speak Right
Imagine that an employee hears a rumor that the company he works for is going to lay off some employees, so he thinks, "Every time things start to go well, something bad always happens." Then he says, "I'll probably lose my job." Negative statements like this start with a negative thought.
My thoughts used to be so negative, which caused my words to be negative, which all reflected poorly on my life. Finally, I decided to change my ways and stop talking so negatively. After awhile I realized that I needed to do more than just not talk negatively. Cutting out the negative talk wasn't enough - I had to begin to think positively!
Our negative thoughts cause us to speak the words that will shape our future. When we speak the wrong things, it can be like a fire (see James 3:6) in our lives.
But we can stop the fire before it starts by speaking right, and we can only speak right when we think right. I urge you to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Let Him influence your thoughts and lead you into a lifestyle of positive words.
Prayer Starter: God, I want to speak positive, life-giving words. I invite You into my thought life and want to have a renewed mind, the mind of Christ, so I can please You with the words of my mouth.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

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