Matthew 19
Marriage and Divorce. His hauns and blessin on the wee bairns. Aboot grace and gear.
1And it cam aboot, that whan Jesus had made an end oʼ thae words, he quat Galilee, and cam intil the pairts oʼ Judea ayont Jordan.
2And great croods followʼt him; and he healed them thar.
3And Pharisees cam to him, way?-?layin him, and sayin, “Isʼt lawfuʼ for a man to pit awa his wife, for ony cause ava?”
4And he answerʼt, and quoʼ he to them, “Hae‐ye‐na read hoo he wha made them at the beginnin, made them male and female.
5“And said, ‘For this wull a man leaʼ his faither and his mither, and be joined to his wife, and they twa sal be ae flesh!’
6“Sae that they are nae mair twa, but ae flesh. And sae what God has joined thegither, lat‐na man pit sindry!”
7They say to him, “Hoo than did Moses commaun to gie her a writin oʼ divorcement, and to pit awa?”
8He says to them, “Moses, for the hardness oʼ yere hearts, tholed that ye sould pit awa yere wives; but frae the beginnin it wasna sae.
9“And I say to ye, that whasae sal pit awa his wife, let‐abee for adultery, and sal wed anither, commits adultery; and wha weds the divorced wumman commits adultery.”
10His disciples say to him, “Gin it be sae wiʼ a man and his wife, it isna gude to mairry!”
11But he said to them, “Aʼ cannaʼ tak in this sayin; but only thae to wham it is gien.
12“For thar are some eunuchs frae their mitherʼs womb; and thar are some sae, made eunuchs by men; and thar are some that hae made theirsel sae for the Kingdom oʼ Heevenʼs sake. Wha has strenʼth to tak it in, lat him tak it in!”
13Than war brocht till him wee bairns, that he soud pit hauns on them, and gie them his blessin: and the disciples challenged them.
14But Jesus said, “Lat the wee bairns come to me, and dinna forbid them; for sic anes mak up the Kingdom oʼ Heeven!”
15And he pat his hauns on them; and gaed awa.
16And see! ane cam till him, and quoʼ he, “Maister! Whatna gude thing sal I dae, that I may win Eternal Life?”
17And he says to him, “Why div ye speir aboot that whilk is gude? Ane thar is wha is gude; that is God! But gin ye wad enter intil Life, keep the Commaunments.”
18He speirʼt at him, “Whilk?” And Jesus said to him, “ ‘Ye sanna kill; ye sanna commit adultery; ye sanna bear fause‐witness;
19“ ‘Honor yere faither and yere mither; and ye sal loʼe yere neebor as yersel!’ ”
20The lad says, “Aʼ thir I keep! What want I yet?”
21Jesus says to him, “Gin ye wad be perfete, gang and sell#19:21 Ilk man has a besettin sin that he maun ding, gin he wad enter Heeven. This manʼs sin was the love oʼ siller. Wiʼ anither, it micht be pride, or revenge, or fame. Freend, what wad he lay his finger on, as your besettin sin? aʼ ye hae, and gie it oot to the puir; and ye sal hae gear laid up in Heeven; and come, follow me!”
22But whan the young man heard that sayin, he gaed awa dowie; for he had great estates.
23And Jesus said till his disciples, “It is no an easy thing for a man oʼ muckle gear to enter the Kingdom oʼ Heeven!
24“Aye, say I tʼye, it is easier for a camel to threid a needleʼs ee, than ane rich to enter the Kingdom oʼ Heeven!”
25Whan the disciples heard it thev ferlied uncolie; and quoʼ they, “Wha than can be savʼt?”
26And Jesus, dwallin on them wiʼ his een, said, “Wiʼ men, this wad be impossible; but no wiʼ God. For wiʼ God, aʼ things can be possible!”
27Peter answerʼt, and quoʼ he, “We hae left aʼ to follow thee; what sal we hae, than?”
28And Jesus said to them, “In the Aʼ‐Things‐New, whan the Son oʼ Man sal sit on the thron oʼ his glorie, ye as weel sal sit on twalʼ throns, ower the Twalʼ Tribes oʼ Israʼl.
29“And ilka ane forsakin hooses, or brethren, or sisters, or faither or mither, or bairns, or mailin, for my nameʼs sake — sal hae a hunner‐fauld, and sal inherit Life Eternal!
30“But mony first sal be hin maist; and hinmaist first.
Nke Ahọpụtara Ugbu A:
Matthew 19: SCO1904
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Ịchọrọ ka echekwaara gị ihe ndị gasị ị mere ka ha pụta ìhè ná ngwaọrụ gị niile? Debanye aha gị ma ọ bụ mee mbanye
Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.