Matthew 18
Bairn‐like is God‐like. Conquerin wiʼ love. The ungratefuʼ servant.
1Iʼ that ʼoor cam the disciples till Jesus, and quoʼ they, “Wha is boonmaist iʼ the Kingdom oʼ Heeven?”
2And he caʼd till him a bairn, and set him iʼ the mids oʼ them,
3And quoʼ he, “Gin ye turn‐na, and come to be like a bairn, ye enter‐na intil the Kingdom oʼ Heeven.
4“Whasae than sal mak his sel naething, as this wee bairn, the same is heigher iʼ the Kingdom oʼ Heeven.
5“And whasae taks till him ae sic wee bairn iʼ my name, taks me till him.
6“But whasae sal mak to faʼ ane aʼ thae wee things that lippen tae me, it had been better for him to hae a mill‐stane hung aboot his neck, and he sunk iʼ the deeps oʼ the sea.
7“Wae to the warld for snares oʼ stummlin! For snares wull come; but wae to the man by wham the snares come.
8“And sae, gin yere haun or fit ensnare ye, sned it aff, and cast it awa; it is gude for ye to enter intil life hirplin or maimʼd, raither than wiʼ twa hauns or feet to be cuisten intil nevir‐endin lowe!
9“And gin yere ee ensnare ye, oot wiʼt, and cast it awa; it is gude for ye to enter intil life wiʼ ae ee, raither than wiʼ twa een to be cuisten intil hell‐fire!
10“Tak tent that ye lichtlie‐na ane oʼ thir wee anes; for say I tʼye, that in Heeven their ain Angels aye look upon my Heevenlie Faitherʼs face!
11“For the Son oʼ Man has come to save thae that war lost.
12“Noo, hoo think ye, yersels? Gin a man hae a hunner sheep, and ane oʼ them is gane awa, dis he no leaʼ the ninety‐and‐nine, and gang intil the mountains, seekin the ane forwanderʼt?
13“And gin sae be that he lichts onʼt, truly say I tʼye, he is blyther ower that sheep than ower the ninety‐and‐nine that gaed‐na awa.
14“Eʼen sae, thar is nae desire afore yere Faither in Heeven that ane oʼ thir wee anes soud be lost.
15“And gin yere brither‐man sin again ye, gang to him, and schaw him his faut atween you and him alane: gin he harken to ye, ye hae won yere brither‐man.
16“But gin he winna harken to ye, than tak wiʼ ye ane or twa mair, sae that at the mooth oʼ twa or thrie witnesses, ilk word may be #18:16 Gin he has wrangʼd ye, and confesses his faut afore a neebor, heʼll no be tempit to faʼ awa frae it eftir. Whiles Sautan, in sic cases, moves a “reconsideration.” Dinna second his motion!made siccar.
17“And gin aiblins he winna hear them, tell it to the kirk; and gin he winna hear the kirk, than lat him be to ye as a fremʼd ane, or ane oʼ the tax‐men.
18“Truly say I tʼye, whatsoeʼer ye bind fast on the yirth, sal be bunʼ fast in Heeven; and what ye lowse on yirth sal be lowsed in Heeven.
19“And ance mair say I tʼye, that gin twa oʼ ye mak it up on the yirth what ye sal ask for, it sal be dune for them by my Faither in Heeven.
20“For whaur the twa or the thrie are forgatherʼt iʼ my name, thar am I iʼ the midsʼ oʼ them.”
21Than Peter comes forrit till him, and quoʼ he, “Lord, hoo aft may my brither‐man sin again me, and I maun forgie him? Seeven times?”
22Jesus said to him, “I say tʼye, No till seeven times, but seeventy times and seeven!
23“And sae is the Kingdom oʼ Heeven like to a certain king wha wad hae a reckonin wiʼ his servants.
24“And whan he had begude to reckon, ane was brocht till him wha was awn him ten thoosanʼ talents.
25“And haein nocht to pay, his maister orderʼt him to be sellʼt, and his wife, and weans, and aʼ that he had; and payment to be made.
26“The servant than fell doon and worshippʼt him, cryin, ‘Lord, thole ye wiʼ me, and I wull pay ye aʼ!’
27“Than, moved wiʼ pitie, that servantʼs lord lowsed him, and forgae him the debt.
28“And that same servant, gaun oot, fand ane oʼ his fellow‐servants wha was awn him a hunner pennies; and he laid haud oʼ him, and grippit him by the hauss, cryin, ‘Pay me what ye are awn!’
29“And his fellow‐servant fell doon at his feet, and besocht him: ‘Thole ye wiʼ me, and I wull pay ye aʼ!’
30“And he wadna, but gaed and had him cuisten intil prison, till he soud pay what was awn.
31“Sae whan his fellow‐servants saw what was dune, they war unco wae, and cam and tellʼt their maister aʼ that was dune.
32“Than his lord caʼd for him, and quoʼ he to him, ‘O, ye ill‐deedie servant! I forgae ye aʼ that debt, for that ye did beseech me:
33“ ‘Soud‐ye‐na had rewth on yere fellow‐servant, eʼen as I had mercie on you?’
34“And his lord was sair angerʼt, and gied him ower to the officers, till he soud pay aʼ that was awn to him.
35“Eʼen sae sal my Heevenlie Faither do to you, gin ye forgie‐na ilk ane his brither‐man frae yere hearts!”
Nke Ahọpụtara Ugbu A:
Matthew 18: SCO1904
Mee ka ọ bụrụ isi

Ịchọrọ ka echekwaara gị ihe ndị gasị ị mere ka ha pụta ìhè ná ngwaọrụ gị niile? Debanye aha gị ma ọ bụ mee mbanye
Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.