Matthew 17
Jesus for a wee in glorie. The puir daft laddie. A fish brings tribute‐money.
1And sax days eftir, Jesus taks Peter, and James, and his brither John, and brings them up intil a heigh mountain by their sels:
2And was transfigurʼt afore them; and his face beamed like the sun, and his cleedin glintit as the licht.
3And look! thar was seen by them Moses and Elijah, speakin wiʼ him.
4Than answerʼt Peter, and quoʼ he to Jesus, “Lord! it is guid for us to be here! Gin thou wull, lat us mak here thrie bothies — for thee ane, and for Moses ane, and for Elijah ane.”
5Whiles he was speakin, lo! a clud oʼ brichtness cam ower them; and a voice cam oot oʼ the clud, sayin, “This is my Son! the Beloved, wham I delicht in! Hear ye till him!”
6And whan the disciples heard, they fell on their faces, fearin uncolie.
7And Jesus cam nar, and touched them, and said, “Rise, and be‐na fleyʼt!”
8And liftin up their een, they saw nane, but Jesus alane.
9And comin doon frae the mountain, Jesus chairged them, “Schaw ye the vision tae nae man, until the Son oʼ Man rise frae mang the deid!”
10And his disciples speirʼt at him, “Hoo than dae the Writers say, ‘Elijah maun first come’?”
11And he answerʼt them, “Elijah dis come, and redd aʼ things.
12“But say I, Elijah is come already, and they kent him na; but did till him as they desirʼt. Eʼen sae sal the Son oʼ Man dree oʼ them!”
13Than the disciples begude to see that he spak to them oʼ John the Baptist.
14And whan they war come till aʼ the folk, thar cam till him a man, loutin doon on his knees, and sayin,
15“Lord, hae mercie on my son; for he is sair dementit, and unco hauden; for aft he faʼs intil the fire, and aft intil the watir:
16“And I feshed him tae thy disciples; and they coudna heal him.”
17And Jesus said, “O race, thrawart and wantin faith? hoo lang sal I be wʼye? hoo lang sal I thole ye? Bring him here to me!”
18Than did Jesus challenge the demon, and he gaed forth oot oʼ him; and the laddie was made hale frae that ʼoor.
19And than the disciples cam to Jesus, aʼ by their sels, and quoʼ they, “Why wasʼt we couldna cast him oot?”
20And he says to them, “For that ye want faith: for truly say I tʼye, gin aiblins ye had faith eʼen as a pickle oʼ mustard‐seed, ye sal say till this mountain, ‘Flit ye to yon place!’ and it sal flit; and nocht sal be ayont yere pooer.
21“But this kind gangs‐na oot, but in prayer and fastin.”
22And while they bade in Galilee, Jesus says to them, “The Son oʼ Man sal be giean up, intil menʼs hauns.
23“And they wull slay him; and the third day he wull rise again.” And they war uncolie grieved.
24And whan they cam to Capernaum, they that took in the Hauf‐shekel, cam nar to Peter, and quoʼ they, “Yere Maister — dis he no pay the #17:24 This was tribute for the Temple; and, till the Great Atonement was offerʼt, Jesus wad hae the Temple‐service keepit up.Hauf‐shekel?”
25Quoʼ he, “Aye!” And whan he cam intil the hoose, Jesus spak first, and quoʼ he, “What dae ye think, Simon? Frae wham dae kings oʼ the yirth tak toll and tribute? frae their ain folk, or frae fremd folk?”
26Peter says to him, “Frae fremd folk.” Quoʼ Jesus to him, “Than their ain folk are free!
27“But that we gar‐them‐na stummle, gang ye till the Loch; and cast in a heuk, and tak the first fish comin up; and openin its mouʼ, ye sal find a shekel. Tak it, and gie to them for me and you.”
Nke Ahọpụtara Ugbu A:
Matthew 17: SCO1904
Mee ka ọ bụrụ isi

Ịchọrọ ka echekwaara gị ihe ndị gasị ị mere ka ha pụta ìhè ná ngwaọrụ gị niile? Debanye aha gị ma ọ bụ mee mbanye
Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.