Matthew 17:20
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
And he says to them, “For that ye want faith: for truly say I tʼye, gin aiblins ye had faith eʼen as a pickle oʼ mustard‐seed, ye sal say till this mountain, ‘Flit ye to yon place!’ and it sal flit; and nocht sal be ayont yere pooer.
Lee anya n'etiti ihe abụọ
Nyochaa Matthew 17:20
Matthew 17:5
Whiles he was speakin, lo! a clud oʼ brichtness cam ower them; and a voice cam oot oʼ the clud, sayin, “This is my Son! the Beloved, wham I delicht in! Hear ye till him!”
Nyochaa Matthew 17:5
Matthew 17:17-18
And Jesus said, “O race, thrawart and wantin faith? hoo lang sal I be wʼye? hoo lang sal I thole ye? Bring him here to me!” Than did Jesus challenge the demon, and he gaed forth oot oʼ him; and the laddie was made hale frae that ʼoor.
Nyochaa Matthew 17:17-18
Akwụkwọ Nsọ