Matthew 19:26
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
And Jesus, dwallin on them wiʼ his een, said, “Wiʼ men, this wad be impossible; but no wiʼ God. For wiʼ God, aʼ things can be possible!”
Lee anya n'etiti ihe abụọ
Nyochaa Matthew 19:26
Matthew 19:6
“Sae that they are nae mair twa, but ae flesh. And sae what God has joined thegither, lat‐na man pit sindry!”
Nyochaa Matthew 19:6
Matthew 19:4-5
And he answerʼt, and quoʼ he to them, “Hae‐ye‐na read hoo he wha made them at the beginnin, made them male and female. “And said, ‘For this wull a man leaʼ his faither and his mither, and be joined to his wife, and they twa sal be ae flesh!’
Nyochaa Matthew 19:4-5
Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, “Lat the wee bairns come to me, and dinna forbid them; for sic anes mak up the Kingdom oʼ Heeven!”
Nyochaa Matthew 19:14
Matthew 19:30
“But mony first sal be hin maist; and hinmaist first.
Nyochaa Matthew 19:30
Matthew 19:29
“And ilka ane forsakin hooses, or brethren, or sisters, or faither or mither, or bairns, or mailin, for my nameʼs sake — sal hae a hunner‐fauld, and sal inherit Life Eternal!
Nyochaa Matthew 19:29
Matthew 19:21
Jesus says to him, “Gin ye wad be perfete, gang and sell aʼ ye hae, and gie it oot to the puir; and ye sal hae gear laid up in Heeven; and come, follow me!”
Nyochaa Matthew 19:21
Matthew 19:17
And he says to him, “Why div ye speir aboot that whilk is gude? Ane thar is wha is gude; that is God! But gin ye wad enter intil Life, keep the Commaunments.”
Nyochaa Matthew 19:17
Matthew 19:24
“Aye, say I tʼye, it is easier for a camel to threid a needleʼs ee, than ane rich to enter the Kingdom oʼ Heeven!”
Nyochaa Matthew 19:24
Matthew 19:9
“And I say to ye, that whasae sal pit awa his wife, let‐abee for adultery, and sal wed anither, commits adultery; and wha weds the divorced wumman commits adultery.”
Nyochaa Matthew 19:9
Matthew 19:23
And Jesus said till his disciples, “It is no an easy thing for a man oʼ muckle gear to enter the Kingdom oʼ Heeven!
Nyochaa Matthew 19:23
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