The Enchanted GardenSampel

Have you ever planted a seed? Did you know that a seed is actually a part of the plant that dies? It’s true. When a flower dies, the seeds in the middle of it drop to the ground, dead. The only way that they can begin growing to create a whole new plant is by being buried in the dirt.
This reminds me of Jesus’ death for us. When He died, it was not the end, but a whole new beginning. After three days in the grave, Jesus rose to life again. He was more powerful than death, and He wants to share that same power with us! Did you know that your soul will live forever? It’s true. But we won’t live on earth forever. Tomorrow we will find out about a special place where we can live forever.
Discussion Questions:
Why do you think Jesus was able to come back to life?
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live forever?
In The Enchanted Garden, the sisters try to find as many of the Gardener’s feathers that blew into the forest that they can. They bring them to the beloved eagle and lay them on top of his body. Suddenly, the great golden eagle is alive again, with all of his feathers back in place! The girls are so overjoyed to see the Gardener that they love alive again!
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Do you find it difficult to explain big Bible concepts to your kids? This plan will help kids understand what sin is, why Jesus died on the cross, and what His resurrection means for them! With excerpts from the gospel allegory, The Enchanted Garden, this plan explains clearly the Bible’s big story of sacrifice and forgiveness in a way that kids will understand and remember.