The Enchanted GardenSampel

Have you ever done something that you knew wasn’t right? You aren’t the only one. In fact, every single person who has ever lived has made mistakes. Lots of them! The mistakes that we make are called sin.
The first two people in God’s special garden were named Adam and Eve. They loved being with God in the garden, but they made a mistake. God gave them one rule to follow, and guess what? They disobeyed the rule. God’s garden was perfect, but the people he created were no longer perfect because of their disobedience, so they had to leave the garden. Now we are all born with sin, which separates us from God. We can’t go into the special garden God created anymore.
How do you feel when you have hurt someone's feelings, told a lie, or disobeyed your parents? It feels like you and the person that you have hurt are separated, as if a big wall is standing in between you and the other person. It is difficult to figure out how to make things right again. Did you know that when we sin, it separates us from God? Just like Adam and Eve were separated from God and had to leave the garden, we can’t be part of God’s family when we have sin in our lives, and that is very sad. What can we do to make things right? Tomorrow, we will find out!
Discussion Questions:
What is one time that you have hurt someone’s feelings?
How did it make you feel around the person that you hurt?
Did you do something to make it right? If so, what?
In The Enchanted Garden, Everly eats a poisonous berry from the forest, even though Clara, the garden fairy, warns them not to eat anything in the woods. Maya carries her sister to the garden, hoping that the Gardener will be able to save her before it’s too late. Even though the girls knew they weren’t supposed to eat the berries, they disobeyed the eagle’s rule. Do you think that the eagle will want to help the girls even after they have disobeyed?
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Do you find it difficult to explain big Bible concepts to your kids? This plan will help kids understand what sin is, why Jesus died on the cross, and what His resurrection means for them! With excerpts from the gospel allegory, The Enchanted Garden, this plan explains clearly the Bible’s big story of sacrifice and forgiveness in a way that kids will understand and remember.