COMFORT - 19નમૂનો


DAY 3 OF 10

Day One

Do you find it hard to pray at a time when you are in distress? Tragedy and pain may tempt us to run and hide from society or from those we love. 

As we seek comfort during these times, we can take heart that God always hears our prayers and is ready to restore comfort.

But why would the Lord allow such terrible things to happen in the first place?

We are only human to ask why. We want to make sense of the trouble. What we must remember is that our God is not the author of confusion. We live in a fallen world where sin is present. The enemy seeks to devour us, disrupt our fellowship with God, and cause discomfort in our lives. 

God, however, never forgets, and He is always in control. There is no power that remains hidden or undefeated by the Lord. He is a prayer-hearing God and a faithful-restorer of comfort!

The Psalm writer, David, prays, “But I, by your great love, can come into your house; in reverence, I bow down toward your holy temple."- Psalm 5:7

David found God’s comfort during his most troublesome times. In fact, while he was surrounded by his enemies, David gave God glory publicly. David found comfort in God’s holiness, and so should we! 

David also declares his resolution to keep close to the public worship of God. Wow! David serves as a strong reminder - for all to see.  So we also should boldly lead prayer in an effort to seek and to share God’s comfort. 

God is steadfast. God never sleeps. He is never shaken and neither is the faith that He gives. Even in the night, He holds us close by speaking and singing His Word over us. 

So, how do you keep close to God in worship, especially during times of uncertainty? 

“I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” - Psalm 16:7

In our daily walk, we encounter valleys and mountains, but we are never without the Lord. As we begin each day, we must look to His precepts. He is faithful to guide us and to comfort us through every situation and circumstance.

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." - Psalm 23:4

The encouragement of God’s comfort springs from the mercy of God, which is the foundation of our hope and the fountain of our joy. In everything we do, our prayers are heard by God, whether spoken or silent. Jesus is never slack in His promises; His promises are steadfast. His comfort is like mercy that is new every morning.


What was David’s common response in situations of trouble? What is your common response to situations in your life? Are you bold enough to bring your thoughts and feelings before God? What, if anything, is stopping you from coming to God boldly right now?

Do your prayers convey the raw honesty you see in the Psalms? How can God use the Psalms to deepen the authenticity in your life? 


God of comfort, I worship You. God of grace, thank You for hearing my prayers. Comfort me in my pain. Draw me closer to You through Your lovingkindness. You are steadfast and faithful, never forgetting about me even in my point of trouble and lowliness. You provide every comfort I need. Thank You, God, of Heaven, for Your enduring love. I give You thanks. 

દિવસ 2દિવસ 4

About this Plan


In the midst of changes, you can find comfort in a God who does not change. This seven-day devotional, highlighting nineteen verses of comfort through the Psalms, will help you draw close to God and experience His unfailing love, forgiveness, and restoration.
