COMFORT - 19નમૂનો


DAY 10 OF 10

Moving Forward

In a post-COVID-19 world, we will see many ongoing challenges, but we also will see new triumphs. This disease, as well as many other dangers, has inflicted us with moments that have tested our faith. How shall we face the world moving forward?

It’s a strange thing. In times like these, we learn a lot about God, a lot about each other, and a lot about ourselves. For me, I have learned to seek peace in the little things and to really enjoy the small simple moments. My outlook has changed on family life, and today I find it to be much more enriching. My prayer life has been challenged. But yes, honestly, there have been many struggles along the way. Many personal heartbreaks have had to be resolved. 

My heart goes out to those who have been misused and abused, for those who have lost their jobs, for those who continue battling with health, and for families who have had to say goodbye.

How do we move forward? What will be our end? Again, we must look to Scripture to find our light, comfort, and strength. 

Keep in mind the time period and events of David’s life, while writing the Psalms. He was taunted, threatened, and pursued. Yet, out of all his failures and despite his many misfortunes, he pens the most beautiful and authentic prayers to God.

David, in his early life, was expelled by Saul and the camp of Israel. He was dismissed by the army of the Philistines. He observed the decimation of his people at a time when recovery seemed impossible. David also faced death from his own nation. Yet, he brings himself before God. 

Scripture says in 1 Samuel 30:6: “David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD His God.”

As we continue reading in 1 Samuel 30:8 we then see a huge turn in David:   “and David inquired of the LORD: “Should I pursue these raiders? Will I overtake them?” “Pursue them,” the LORD replied, “for you will surely overtake them and rescue the captives.”

God has called us to do three things: (1) Inquire of His wisdom, (2) Trust Him to overtake the enemy, and (3) Watch Him set the prisoners free!

God still comes to free all who have been affected or who have been trampled, in whatever way. Jesus comes to deliver a peace that only He can bring, nothing like the false one the world offers. Because His peace brings true comfort, we know there is no one else who cares more than our Almighty, Heavenly Father.

God delights over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17) and quiets us by His love. 

David knew the greater hope that was working inside of him. The Book of Psalms offers a beautiful and long-range perspective of God’s care. Psalm 139 boasts there is no place we can flee where God is not still there. Even into the New Testament in Romans 8:39, God reminds us also that neither height, nor depth, nor anything can separate us from His love.

In every page of the Bible, there is an image of Christ. In every page of the Psalms, there is an expression of God’s power, grace, and mercy.

I hope you have found this devotional to be helpful for times of prayer and for meaningful times of worship. May God guide your heart in every moment of life for His glory. He eagerly waits for you, so give yourself fully to Him – unafraid.

Worship involves prayer and prayer involves worship. How can you live a lifestyle of worship where prayer becomes an on-going conversation with God?

Read Psalm 95 and 96 again. Pray for the words of God to sink deeply into the crevasses of your heart. Try kneeling before God, maybe with outstretched hands. Do not rush through the moment. As you read the Psalms, postures of prayer and worship were in fact outlined by David. Prayer, worship, and posture are authored by God.

When we submit ourselves to God through worship, we surrender to His care and we come in alignment with His desires. Comfort and worship go hand-in-hand. When we are comforted, we learn how to comfort others (2 Corinthians 1:4). We also learn how to pray better for others. Thus, together, we discover how to give thanks and worship God.

No matter what we may face globally, nationally, or individually, we are never without the presence of God. And, we are never, ever without His comfort.

“In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.” Psalm 94:19 NKJV

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,” 2 Corinthians 1:3 NIV

Bless you, my friend, and may the God of all comfort delight your soul.

Branon Dempsey


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About this Plan


In the midst of changes, you can find comfort in a God who does not change. This seven-day devotional, highlighting nineteen verses of comfort through the Psalms, will help you draw close to God and experience His unfailing love, forgiveness, and restoration.
