COMFORT - 19નમૂનો


DAY 6 OF 10

Day Four

As a kid, did you ever play by making forts? I do not know any child who has never made a fort. Every kind of indoor and outdoor fort imaginable, made out of any type of material, exists. You can even find forts that are pre-assembled and made for you online. Personally, though, I loved making my own forts from my inspiration and creativity, built from anything I could find. There is something to be said about the engineering of imagination.

So why did we love making forts? From my experience, it gave me a sense of wonder, seclusion, and accomplishment. Isn’t this a fascinating comparison to God’s comfort?

Our Master builder selects all the right spiritual elements. Jesus is our firm foundation. Christ’s righteousness becomes our walls. And, inside, we have the furnishings of the Holy Spirit all covered with the roof of protection from the Father’s hands.

His spiritual house is like having His arms of comfort wrapped around us. He shelters us from the weather and holds us together by His truth.

In seeking shelter, David makes his confidence in God and prays:

“Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress." - Psalm 71:3

David’s request for comfort comes down to three pursuits: (1.) His dependence upon God’s protection, and that he will never be disappointed by His mercy...A mercy that is found anywhere, mercy from which he will never depart. (2.) His rescue through God’s word – not putting his own confidence in the things he sees, but only in what is eternal (the things he cannot see). (3.) His steadfast Fortress which will never be shaken – a present help in times of trouble.

Sometimes, when we are searching for comfort, our focus can become too narrow. It can appear like blackness or terror is on every side. Often, we lose sight of how God is already at work. 

When we look at the days of our youth, we can see the hand of God through every event. Yes, there are days of difficulty and pain, but somehow, Jesus carried us through. Events in our lives serve as reminders of how the Lord engineers us through every obstacle. In the moment, they may hurt, but through the process, our faith is strengthened.

In Psalm 71:20 David writes:

“Though You have made me see troubles, many and bitter, You will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth You will again bring me up.” 

Just at the time when David could have thrown in the towel, he remembers the providence of God. Likewise, if we have due regard to the hand of the Lord in our troubles, we may hope in His deliverance out of them, in accordance to His time. 

When David said, “You have made me see troubles,” he did not say the Lord “gave” me troubles. Instead, he speaks of the confidence he found in God. The Lord went through the troubles with him. 

David is aware of God’s presence through every event and fiber of his life. He realizes and believes God is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Sovereign. God is Faithful and never changes His mind about His love for us. These truths allow us to turn a blind eye to the terror of the circumstances and rest in knowing God is not absent from His authority nor does He forsake His charge over our existence.

“I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me." - Psalm 77:1

Though he cannot give a particular account of God’s favor to him - there are so many times, there is not a number - David will continue speaking of them and expressing praise for His perfections.

Truly, if we were to count the many pieces God used to build the forts in our lives, there would be too many to envision or to mention. May we remember and continue to find more!


What are the things in life that cause you to build a fort as a form of protection or defense? As you put together each board, and hammer each nail, does the noise drown out the voice of God?

When you need refuge, rest in the shelter God builds and in what He provides. Eagerly, you may long for His deliverance, but remember He is with you, moving you through it. How does His comfort impact the way you pray? How does it impact the way you worship and the way you serve others?


O Lord, our Rock of Refuge, there is nothing too difficult for You. In Your graciousness, I have seen many troubles, yet I have also seen Your hand through it all. How grateful I am of Your ways, but I still need help to be reminded. O God, please help my unbelief and come to my side to strengthen the wall of my faith. Precious are Your thoughts of me. Thank You for never leaving me. You have become my stronghold. I never need to be afraid; never do I need to worry. Help me to share with others, the same foundation of truth that you have provided me. Jesus, You are the Rock on which I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

દિવસ 5દિવસ 7

About this Plan


In the midst of changes, you can find comfort in a God who does not change. This seven-day devotional, highlighting nineteen verses of comfort through the Psalms, will help you draw close to God and experience His unfailing love, forgiveness, and restoration.
