Reach4Life- Journey 1: BelieveExemple

Day Six: God, Our Father
“While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” – Luke 15:20, NIV
A Spanish dad wanted to make peace with his runaway son in Madrid. He took out an ad in the El Liberal newspaper: ‘Paco, meet me at Hotel Montana at noon, Tuesday. All is forgiven. Papa.’ Paco is a common Spanish name, so when the father went to the hotel he found 800 young men named Paco waiting for their fathers.
Deep down inside each of us, we long for a home where we are loved unconditionally. Regardless of whether we have a good or a not-so-good earthly father, we long for what only a heavenly Father can give us.
Luke 15:11-32
Sin separates us from the God who loves us (v13). In the end, it hurts us as much as it hurts God (v14-15). It’s never too late to come home though. If we come to our senses, turn from our sin and put our trust in God (v17-20), then we’ll receive forgiveness, joy and blessing (v20-25).
In this story you see a stunning picture of the kind of relationship God desires to have with you. His heart bursts with compassion for you. He waits with open arms. He is proud to call you his son or daughter!
Here’s another story:
A father, returning from the shop, caught his little girl with sand in her mouth. He tried threatening as well as begging her to spit it out but she refused, since she liked the taste so much. Only when he held out the ice-cream he had bought her did she spit out the sand.
When God tells us to leave our sin and follow him, it’s not because he wants to take away our fun. It’s because he has something so much better for us. If only we could trust our Father’s heart. He is completely trustworthy, he knows us best and loves us most.
· Is there any sin or pain preventing you from coming home to God?
· Based on this story, how is God different to your earthly father?
For more on God Our Father, read:
Galatians 4:4-6
1 John 3:1
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