Reach4Life- Journey 1: BelieveExemple

Day Ten: Paying the Price
“Who do you say I am?” –Luke 9:20, NIV
A God-hating, gun-shooting teenager pointed a gun at 17-year-old Cassie. ‘Do you believe in God?’ he asked? ‘Yes, I believe in Jesus,’ were her final words. At her funeral, 75 of her friends became Christians. They saw her faith was real enough to die for and they wanted something that great for themselves.
If you had a gun to your head and were asked: Do you believe in God? What would you say?
Luke 9:18-26
When we, like Peter and Cassie, see who Jesus really is (v20), we will be willing to pay a price to follow him. Like Jesus, our role model and leader, we may even be killed for our faith (v22).
Following him means denying ourselves and carrying our cross (v23). Things won’t always be cosy and easy. Pain, discomfort and unpopularity may result from our obedience to him. Remember though that nothing in this life lasts forever (v24). It’s pointless trying to gain what this world offers, but losing our souls in the process (v25). On Judgment Day, our devotion to Jesus will be greatly rewarded. Knowing him makes it impossible to be ashamed of him (v26).
Jim Elliot was a missionary who lived by these truths. He was murdered while trying to share his faith with man-eating South American Indians.
Later his grieving wife found his diary, in which he’d written, ‘He is no fool to lose what he cannot keep to gain what he can never lose.’ Inspired by his words, she led a mission to the very men who’d killed her husband and led them to Christ! In fact, the same man who killed her husband baptized Jim Elliot’s son years later.
· In what ways, if any, have you had a revelation of Jesus?
· What is it costing you to follow him?
· What stops you from being or motivates you to be completely committed to Christ?
For more on Paying the Price, read:
Matthew 13:44
Well done! You have completed the Believe Journey. Why not follow the next journey: Grow.
À propos de ce plan

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