Reach4Life- Journey 1: BelieveExemple

Day Five: Grace
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8, NIV
A young girl wanted to grow closer to God. One night God gave her a dream. In the dream she was attempting to climb a high cliff to reach God who was at the top. She tried and tried but couldn’t climb to the top. Tired and sad, she was ready to give up and climb down. Then she noticed a trampoline at the bottom of the cliff. She let go, bounced off the trampoline, and landed at the very top with God.
How do we grow closer to God? Let go, and jump.
John 14:1-9
We’re not accepted by God through cliff-climbing, or because of our own moral and religious efforts. We’re accepted on the basis of Jesus’ ‘trampoline’ and his death for our sins (v6).
Why are there so many world religions?
They are all cliff-climbing attempts to earn salvation. Buddhism has the Eightfold Path. Islam has the Five Laws. Hinduism has Karma. Judaism has the Torah. Although these religions offer elements of truth and beauty that should be cherished, they wrongly assume we can earn our way to God.
What makes Christianity unique?
Religion is our attempt to reach God. Christianity is God’s attempt to reach us. Since we’re not good enough in ourselves, he comes to us as we trust in his undeserved grace! His grace overcomes our troubled hearts (v1), the fear of death (v3), and the ignorance of who God really is (v7).
In Jesus alone, we find the way, the truth, real life and a relationship with God as our Father (v6).
What amazing grace!
· What holds you back from making the ‘jump’ from trying to earn God’s acceptance to receiving it undeserved?
· If you’ve made the jump – what does it feel like?
For more on Grace, read:
Luke 18:9-14
Titus 3:3-8
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