Mark 7
The Pharisees needit to wesh their hearts mair nor their hauns. The Canaanite mither wha wadna gang withoot a blessin. Speech and hearin at his bidden!
1And thar are gatherʼt aboot him the Pharisees, and the Scribes that had come doon frae Jerusalem.
2And, takin tent that some oʼ his disciples war eatin breid wiʼ unpurifyʼt — that is, unweshen — hauns, they challenged them.
3For the Pharisees, and aʼ the Jews, gin they wesh‐na their hauns religiously, eat‐na; haudin fast the traditions oʼ the Elders.
4And comin frae the merkit — gin they wesh‐na their sels, they eat‐na. And mony mair things are thar that they hae acceptit to haud; — purifyin oʼ cups and stowps, coppers and table?-?couches.
5And the Pharisees and the Scribes speir at him, “Hoo isʼt thy disciples gang‐na conform to the tradition oʼ the Elders, but eat their breid wiʼ unpurifyʼt hauns?”
6But he said, “Weel did Esaiah prophesie oʼ you, dissemblers! as it is putten doon:— ‘This nation honor me wiʼ their lips, but their heart they haud faur‐awa frae me!
7“ ‘But they offer devotion to me in vain, teachin as precepts the commandments oʼ men.’
8“For haein put‐awa Godʼs commaun, ye haud fast the tradition oʼ men — purifyin oʼ cups and stowps; and mony sic‐like things ye do.”
9And he said to them, “Fuʼ weel ye reject the commaun oʼ God, that ye may haud yer ain tradition.
10“For Moses said, ‘Honor yere faither and yere mither: and wha sal revile faither and mither, by death lat him dee.’
11“But ye say, Gin a man sal say to his faither or his mither, ‘Whatsoeʼer ye micht hae frae me is Corban,’ — that is, dedicate to God —
12“Ye nae mair suffer him to do aucht for his faither or his mither,
13“Makin void Godʼs word by yere tradition ye hae deliverʼt! And mony sic things ye do.”
14And caʼin to him the thrang oʼ folk again, he says to them, “Hear me, every ane oʼ ye, and understaun!
15“Thar is naething frae #7:15 Whan wull folk learn that itʼs no whatʼs dune to a man, but what a man dis, that distinguishes the man?withoot a man, enterin intil him, can fyle him; but the things that gae forth oot oʼ the man, they fyle him.
16“Gin ony ane has hearin to hear, lat him tak tent!”
17And whan he was come intil the hoose frae the thrang, his disciples speirʼt at him anent the parable.
18And he says to them, “Are even you wantin discernment? Can ye no see that whatsoeʼer frae withoot that comes intil the man, canna fyle him?
19“For it comes‐na ben intil his heart, but only to his stammack; and gaes intil the sewer, purifyin aʼ meat.”
20This he said, moreover, “What comes forth oot oʼ the man, that fyles the man!
21“For frae within, frae ben iʼ the hearts oʼ men, ill designs come forth: lecherie, thefts, murders,
22“Adulteries, covetins, knaveries, deceit, wantonness, envy, evil?-?speakin, loftiness, foolishness;
23“Aʼ thir ill things proceed frae within, and they fyle the man!”
24And frae thar he raise, and gaed intil the borders oʼ Tyre and Sidon. And he enterʼt intil a hoose, and wad hae nae man ken; but he coudna be keepit private.
25But forthwith a wumman, whase wee dochter had a foul spirit, hearinʼ aboot him, cam and fell doun at his feet.
26The wumman was a Greek, a Canaanite by blude; and she besocht him that he wad cast the demon oot oʼ her dochter.
27And he said to her, “The bairn soud first be satisfeeʼt; it isna bonnie to tak the bairnʼs breid, and cast it to the dowgs.”
28But she answerʼt, and said to him, “Eʼen sae, Lord; yet the wee dowgs aneath the table eat oʼ the mools oʼ the bairns?”
29And he said to her, “For that word, gang yere ways; the demon has gane forth oot oʼ yere dochter.”
30And gaun awa to her hoose, she faund the bairn lyin on the couch, and the demon gane forth.
31And again, gaun forth oot oʼ the pairts oʼ Tyre, he cam throwe Sidon to the Loch oʼ Galilee, up throwe the pairts oʼ the Ten Cities.
32And they bring to him ane that can hear nane, and speak but a wee; and they beg that he wad lay his haun on him.
33And he led him aside frae the thrang, and pat his fingers intil his lugs, and touched his tongue wiʼ spittle;
34And lookin up to heeven, he gied a sigh, and said, “Ephphatha!” that is, “Be thou unbarred!”
35And his lugs war unsteekit, and the string oʼ his tongue was lowsed, and he spak plain.
36And he instruckit them that they soud tell nane: but accordin as he instruckit them, sae muckle the mair did they tell oʼt:
37And they were astonishʼt ayont aʼ bounds, sayin, “He has done aʼ things weel! He gars eʼen the deif to hear, and the dumb to speak!”
انتخاب شده:
Mark 7: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.