Mark 6

“Isna this the Carpenter?” Johnʼs heid faʼs. He that could satisfee fyve thoosand men wiʼ fyve bannocks and twa speldrins, micht weel walk the sea!
1And he gaed oot frae that, and cam till his ain kintra‐side: and his disciples followʼt wiʼ him.
2And whan the Sabbath cam, he begude to teach iʼ the kirk; and the thrang hearin him, war astoundit, and quoʼ they, “Whaur gat this ane thir things?” And, “Whatna lear is this that is gien to this ane?” And, “Sic warks oʼ pooer he pits frae his hauns!”
3“Is this no the carpenter, Maryʼs son, brither to James and Joses, and Judas and Simon? And are na his sisters here wiʼ us?” And they took a scunner at him.
4But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is no wantin his honors gin it be‐na in his ain place, and amang his ain freends, and in his ain hoose.”
5And he coudna finʼ to do ony wark oʼ pooer thar, mair than to lay his hauns on a wheen sick folk, and to heal them.
6And he was uncolie putten‐aboot wiʼ their unbelievin. And he gaed aʼ roond in the wee touns, teachin.
7And he caʼd till him the Twalʼ, and begude to send them oot, twa #6:7 The Lord aye sent them oot twa‐and‐twa. And the Apostles seemed aye to gang the same. Weʼre whiles no sae wyss in sendin oot messengers in oor day!and twa; and he gied them pooer ower foul spirits;
8And chairged them to tak nocht for the journey, but only a staff; nae bannocks, nae wallet, nae plack iʼ their purse;
9But only shod wiʼ sandals. And quoʼ he, “Pit‐na on twa coats.”
10And he said to them, “Intil whatna place ye gang till a hoose, bide thar till ye gang awa frae the place.
11“And whatna place wull‐na receive ye, nor hear to ye, as ye gang oot fraeʼt, flaff aff the vera gryminʼ oʼ mool frae yere feet for a witness again them.”
12And gaun oot, they preached that men micht repent.
13And they cuist oot mony demons, and anointit wiʼ oyle a hantle oʼ sick anes, and made them hale.
14And King Herod heard; for his name was muckle spoken oʼ: and he said, “John Baptist has risen frae the deid! and thus their pooers are wrocht in him.”
15But ithers war threepin, “It is Elijah!” And ithers again, “A Prophet!” or, “Like ane oʼ the Prophets!”
16But Herod, comin to hear, said, “John, wham I beheidit is risen frae the deid!”
17For Herod his sel had sent oot, and laid haud oʼ John, and putten him in prison, for the sake oʼ Herodias, his brother Philipʼs wife; for he had marryʼt her.
18For John tellʼt Herod, “It is no allooʼd for ye to hae the wife oʼ yere brither!”
19And sae Herodias held a grudge again him, and wad hae slain him: but she coudna.
20For Herod was in fear oʼ John, kennin him to be a just and holie man, and keepit him safe: and listenin till him, he did a hantle oʼ things, and was fain to hear him.
21And a fit day comin, whan Herod on his birthday made a feast for his nobles, and the heigh rulers, and chiefs oʼ Galilee;
22And the dochter oʼ this vera Herodias cam in and danced, she sae took wiʼ Herod and them feastin wiʼ him, that the King said to the wench, “Demand oʼ me what ye wull, and Iʼll gie ye!”
23And he swure to her, “whatever ye demand oʼ me, Iʼll gie ye, eʼen to the hauf oʼ my Kingdom!”
24And she gaed oot, and said to her mither, “What sal I ask!” and quoʼ she, “The heid oʼ John Baptist!”
25And she cam ben quickly to the King, and askit, sayin, “I wull that ye gie me, belvye, the heid oʼ John Baptist on a server!”
26And the King was unco cuisten‐doon; but for his aiths, and for them that feastit wiʼ him, he wadna refuse her.
27And withoot delay the King sent oot ane oʼ his gaird, and gied orders to bring his heid: and he gaed and beheidit him iʼ the prison;
28And he brocht his heid on a server, and gied it to the wench, and the wench gied it to her mither.
29And when his disciples heard oʼt, they cam and took up his body, and laid it in a tomb.
30And the Apostles gatherʼt theirsels thegither to Jesus; and they tellʼt him as mony things as they had dune, and what they had been teachin.
31And he said to them, “Come ye by yersels apairt intil a desert‐bit, and rest yersels for a wee.” For thar war mony comin and gaun, that they coudna get their breid eaten.
32And they gaed awa quately iʼ the boat, till a desert spot.
33And mony saw them gaun aff, and took tent; and a‐fit, oot oʼ aʼ the cities, they ran, and wan there afore them.
34And he cam oot, and saw an unco thrang: and he had pitie on them, for they war as sheep wantin a Shepherd: and he begude to teach them mony things.
35And whan the day was nar endit, his disciples cam till him, and quoʼ they, “This place is desert, and the gloamin is comin on:
36“Send them awa, that they gang to the kintra and intil the neebor touns, and buy theirsels fendin.”
37And he answerin, says to them, “You gie them to eat!” And they say to him, “Sal we gang and ware twa hunner siller‐pennies on breid, and gie them to eat?”
38He says to them, “Hoo mony laives hae ye? gang and see!” And whan they had speirʼt, they say “Fyve, and twa speldrins.”
39And he gied orders that aʼ soud sit doon, #6:39 In hauf‐circles; a hunner in ilka ane. But gif ye caʼ them “ranks,” thar wad be fifty in ilka rank. (See v. 40.)banquet‐like, on the green gerss.
40And they loutit doon in order, in fifties and hunners.
41And he took the fyve bannocks and the twa speldrins, and lookit up till Heeven, and blessʼt, and brak the bannocks, and gaed on giean to the disciples to serʼ them: and the speldrins portioned he oot to them aʼ.
42And they aʼ did eat, and war satisfyʼt.
43And they gatherʼt what was ower oʼ the bannocks, and oʼ the fish, twal baskets fuʼ.
44And they that did eat the bannocks war aboot fyve thoosand men.
45And noo he wad hae his disciples to gang intil the boat, and gang ower to the other side — by Bethsaida — while he skailʼt the thrang.
46And eftir he had pairtit wiʼ the thrang, he gaed up intil the mountain to pray.
47And whan the eʼenin cam on, the boat was in the mids oʼ the Loch, and he alane on the lanʼ.
48And seein them sair forfochten wiʼ the rowin — for the winʼ was contrar — aboot the hinmaist watch oʼ the nicht he cam till them, walkin on the Loch; and seemed to gang by them.
49But they, seein him walkin on the Loch, thocht it had been a ghaist, and cryʼt oot.
50For they aʼ saw him, and war sair putten‐aboot. But he begude to speak to them, and says to them, “Cheer‐up! be‐na fleyʼt!”
51And he cam up to them, intil the boat; and the winʼ gaed doon. And they war sair amazed ayont a measur, and ferlied.
52For they couldna comprehend aboot the bannocks; for their heart was turned hard.
53And gangin ower, they cam to the lanʼ oʼ Gennesaret; and tyʼt up at the shore.
54And whan they war come oot oʼ the boat, he was kent at ance.
55And they ran through aʼ thar?-?awa roond aboot, and begude to cairry aboot on their pallets them that war sick, whaureʼer they heard he was.
56And ilka place he gaed till — intil wee touns, or cities, or a wheen hooses thegither — they lay doon the sick iʼ the merkit‐places; and besocht him that aiblins they micht touch but the vera fringe oʼ his mantle: and as mony as touched war made hale.

انتخاب شده:

Mark 6: SCO1904


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