Mark 2

Doon throwe the riggin! Levi bidden. Anent fastin, and the Sabbath.
1Ance mair comin intil Capernaum, it was reportit, “He is neath a roof again!”
2And at ance the folk aʼ gaitherʼt thegither, sae that thar was nae room, no eʼen aboot the door: and He spak the word to them.
3And they cam, and brocht a man wiʼ a stroke, cairryʼt by fowr.
4And no bein able to fesh him in for the thrang, they strippit the riggin whaur Jesus was; and brekin throwe it, they lat doon the pallet on whilk the paralytic lay.
5Whan Jesus saw their faith, quoʼ he to the paralytic, “Son, yere sins are forgien ye!”
6But a wheen oʼ the Scribes had sutten doon thar; and quoʼ they iʼ their hearts,
7“Hoo isʼt that this ane speaks sae? He blasphemes! Wha can forgie sins, an it be‐na God?”
8And at ance, Jesus, takin tent in his ain spirit that they thocht thir things, says to them, “Why soud ye hae sic debatin iʼ yer ain hearts?
9“Whilk, think ye, is easier? to say, ‘Yere sins are forgienʼ, or to say, ‘Rise ye, and walk!’
10“But that ye may ken the Son oʼ Man has pooer on the yirth to forgie sins” — (he says to the paralytic),
11“I say to ye, Rise; row up yere pallet, and gang yere ways till yere ain hoose!”
12And he raise up, and grippet his pallet, and gaed oot afore them aʼ; sae that they war clean beside theirsels, and glorifyʼt God, sayin, “We neʼer saw sic things!”
13And he gaed forth again by the side oʼ the Loch; and aʼ the thrang war comin aboot him, and he was teachin them.
14And, gaun by, he saw Levi, he oʼ Alpheus, in chairge oʼ the tax?-?gaitherin; and says till him, “Come ye wiʼ me!” And he raise, and followʼt him.
15And whan #2:15 Jesus, nae doot, thoʼ the feck oʼ the MSS. merely say “he.” And the hoose was Leviʼs; we ken him best as “Matthew.”he was at table in his hoose, mony tax‐men and sinners sat doon wiʼ Jesus and his disciples: for they war mony.
16And they followʼt him, eʼen the Scribes and the Pharisees; and whan they saw he was eatin wiʼ sinners and tax‐men, said to his disciples, “He eats and drinks wiʼ sinners and tax‐men!”
17And hearin it, Jesus says to them, “The strang and the weel hae nae need oʼ the leech, but the anes that are ill. I cam no to bid #2:17 Ane that thinks his sel to be holie (as they did), pits the gracious bode bye him. “Itʼs no for me!” quoʼ he; and tines aʼ!holie anes, but sinners.”
18And the followers oʼ John and oʼ the Pharisees war fastin; and they come and quoʼ they, “Hoo isʼt that Johnʼs disciples, and the Phariseesʼ disciples fast, and the disciples ye mak dinna fast?”
19And quoʼ Jesus to them, “Coud the sons oʼ the bride‐chaumer fast, and the bridegroom amang them? Sae lang as the bridegroom bides wiʼ them, they canna fast!
20“But the days come whan the bridegroom is to be taen awa frae them; and than, iʼ thae days, sal they fast.
21“Nane evir schews a #2:21 A clout oʼ new claith, aiblins, on an auld coat; but nevir Christʼs New Testament doctrines cloutit on the Ceremonial Law!clout oʼ unwaukit claith on an auld coat, or aiblins the new bit rives awa frae the auld, and the rent is the waur.
22“And nane evir teems new wine intil auld wine‐skins; or aiblins the wine wull rive the skins, and the wine is tint, and the skins baith; but new wine gangs intil fresh wine‐skins.”
23And it cam aboot that he gaed throwe the fields oʼ corn on the Sabbath; and his disciples begude to mak their way, pluckin the heids oʼ the corn.
24And the Pharisees say to him, “See! hoo isʼt they do on the Sabbath what is no allooʼt?”
25And says he to them, “Did ye nevir read what Dauvid did, whan he had need, and hungerʼt; he and thae wiʼ him?
26“How he gaed intil Godʼs Hoose, iʼ the time oʼ Abiathar, the Heigh‐priest, and did eat the Breid oʼ the Presence, whilk isna to be eaten but by the priests: and gied eʼen to them that war wiʼ him?”
27And said he to them, “The Sabbath was made for manʼs sake, and no man for the Sabbathʼs sake.
28“And sae the Son oʼ Man is maister eʼen oʼ the Sabbath!”

انتخاب شده:

Mark 2: SCO1904


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