Mark 3

The wizzenʼd haun. The twalʼ waled oot. “Whaʼs my mither?”
1And he cam again to the kirk; and a man was thar wiʼ a wizzenʼ haun.
2And they keepit watch ower him, gin he wad heal him on the Sabbath; sae as they micht wyte him.
3And quoʼ he to the man wiʼ the wizzenʼd haun, “Staun forth iʼ the mids!”
4And to them, quoʼ he, “Isʼt richt on the Sabbath to do gude or to do ill? to save life or to slay?” But they said nocht.
5And lookin roond aboot on them wiʼ indignation — haein grief for sic hardenin oʼ their hearts — he says to the man, “Rax oot yere haun!” And he strauchtit it oot; and his haun was made richt.
6And the Pharisees gaed oot, and begude coonsellin wiʼ Herodʼs pairty again him, hoo they micht mak awa wiʼ him?
7And Jesus, wiʼ his disciples, retirʼt to the Loch; and a great thrang frae Galilee followʼt; and frae Judea,
8And frae Edom, and ayont Jordan; and aboot Tyre and Sidon, a great thrang, hearin aʼ the things that he did, cam till him.
9And he spak to his disciples, that a smaʼ boat soud wait on him, on account oʼ sae mony folk: that they soudna thrang him.
10For he healed a hantle oʼ them; and they wiʼ plagues pressʼt on him to touch him.
11And foul spirits, whan they saw him, fell at his feet, cryin oot, “Thou art Godʼs Son!”
12And he chairged them stricklie that they soud‐na mak him to be kent.
13And he gaed up the mountain; and cries to him wham he wad hae; and they cam till him.
14And he waled oot twalʼ, that they micht be wiʼ him, and sae as he coud send them oot to preach;
15And to hae authoritie to expel demons.
16And he gied the name Peter to Simon;
17And James; and John, brither oʼ James; them he caʼd “Boanerges,” meanin, “Men oʼ Thunner.”
18And Andro, and Philip, and Bartholomie, and Matthew, and Tammas, and James oʼ Alpheus, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Zealot.
19And Judas Iscariot, wha eʼen deliverʼt‐him‐up. And they gaed intil a hoose.
20And the thrang cam thegither again; sae that they coudna eʼen get their breid eaten.
21And hearin oʼt, his ain folk gaed oot to grip him; for they said, “Heʼs clean wud!”
22And the Scribes — the anes that cam doon frae Jerusalem — said, “He has Beelzebul;” and, “by the prince oʼ the demons, the demons are cuisten oot.”
23And he brocht them nar, and says to them in parables, “Hoo isʼt that Sautan casts oot Sautan?”
24And, “Gin a kingdom be set again itsel, that kingdom maun faʼ!”
25And, “Gin a hoose be set again itsel, that hoose canna staun!”
26And, “Gin Sautan rise up again his sel, and be twa, he canna staun, but comes till an end.#3:26 We wad aʼ like to see sic an end oʼ Sautanʼs pooer; but we maunna think Sautan his sel wad help it forrit!
27“Nae man comes intil the hald oʼ a michty man, to harrie his gudes and gear, till he has first bund‐doon the strang ane; and than wull he harrie his hoose.
28“Truly say I tʼye, aʼ things sal be forgien to the sons oʼ men, and aʼ the sins, and aʼ the miscaʼin they miscaʼ wiʼ;
29“But wha sal miscaʼ the Holie Spirit has pardon nevir! but is fetterʼd by an eternal #3:29 Haud ye aye in fear oʼ sinnin again the Holie Spirit! Wha dis that, has ae fit in hell already!sin!”
30For that they war sayin, “He has a foul spirit!”
31Than cam his mither and his brithers; and staunin oot‐by, they sent till him, and caʼd him.
32And thar war mony folk sittin aboot him; and they say to him, “See! yere mither and yere brithers are oot‐by, seeking ye!”
33And he, answerin them, said, “Wha is my mither and my brithers?”
34And, lookin roond on thae sittin aboot him, he says, “See! my mither and my brithers!
35“For wha dis the wull oʼ God, that same is my brither, and sister, and mither!”

انتخاب شده:

Mark 3: SCO1904


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