Mark 1

John and his bapteezin. The beginnin oʼ great warks. Wha prays weel, works weel!
1The first oʼ the Blythe‐Message oʼ Jesus Christ, Godʼs Son.
2Eʼen as it is putten‐doon by Esaiah#1:2 The second verse is frae Malachi, and is only an introduction to the graun prophecie oʼ Esaiah, in the third verse. A wheen oʼ the MSS. say “Prophet” or “Prophets”; but the feck oʼ them, as here, “Esaiah.” the prophet, “Lo! I send oot my messenger afore thy face, wha sal mak ready thy way for thy comin.
3“The sough oʼ ane cryin oot iʼ the waste, ‘Mak ye ready a gate for the Lord! Mak straucht his fit‐roads!’ ”
4Than raise John, bapteezin iʼ the muirlands, and preachin repentance‐baptism for the pittin‐awa oʼ sins.
5And thar gaed oot till him aʼ the kintra‐side oʼ Judea, and aʼ thae oʼ Jerusalem, and war bapteezʼt oʼ him iʼ the River Jordan, tellin oot their sins.
6And John was cleedit wiʼ camelsʼ?-?hair, and had a leather belt aboot him; and he did eat locusts and rock?-?hinny.
7And quoʼ he in his preachin, “Ane sterker nor I comes eftir me, the whang oʼ whase shoon I am‐na fit to lout doon and lowse!
8“I watir‐bapteeze ye; but he sal bapteeze ye wiʼ Holie Spirit!”
9And iʼ thae days it cam aboot that Jesus cam frae Nazareth iʼ Galilee and was bapteezʼt oʼ John in Jordan.
10And he, comin straucht frae the watir, saw the heevens unsteekit, and the Spirit like a doo comin doon upon him.
11And a voice cam frae Aboon, “Thou art the Beloved, My Son; in Thee I delicht!”
12And noo the Spirit leads him oot intil the muirlands.
13And he was iʼ the muirlands forty days, tempit oʼ Sautan; and he was wiʼ the wild beasts; and the Angels waitit on him.
14And eftir John was deliverʼt up, Jesus cam intil Galilee, giean oot the Blythe‐Message oʼ God;
15And sayin, “The waitin‐time is by‐past, and the Kingdom oʼ God has come; turn ye, and lippen the Joyfuʼ‐Message!”
16And gaun on by the Loch oʼ Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andro (Simonʼs brither), castin aboot iʼ the Loch; for they war fishermen.
17And Jesus says to them, “Come ye eftir me, and Iʼse mak ye fishers oʼ men!”
18And at ance, leaʼin their nets, they followʼt eftir him.
19And gaun on a wee, he saw James, Zebedeeʼs son, and John his brither, iʼ the boat, pittin their nets iʼ guid fettle.
20And at ance he caʼd them; and leaʼin their faither iʼ the boat wiʼ the fisher‐men, they gaed eftir him.
21And they cam intil Capernaum; and withoot delay, on the Sabbath day, he cam intil the kirk, and was teachin.
22And they war uncolie struck wiʼ astonishment at his teachin; for he spak as gin he had authoritie, and no like the Scribes.
23And noo, thar was iʼ the kirk a man wiʼ a foul spirit; and he cryʼt oot,
24Sayin, “What hae we wiʼ thee, thou Jesus oʼ Nazareth? Hast thou come to destroy us? I ken thee, wha thou art — Godʼs Holie Ane!”
25And Jesus forbad him, sayin, “Haud yere peace! and come oot oʼ him!”
26And the foul spirit, rivin, and cryinʼ wiʼ a great voice, cam oot oʼ him.
27And they war aʼ astoundit; sae that they coonsellʼt amang theirsels, “What is aʼ this? A new teachin! Like a Ruler he commauns eʼen the foul spirits, and they do his wull!”
28And the fame oʼ him spread abreid at ance ower aʼ the hail kintra‐side oʼ Galilee roond aboot.
29And noo, comin oot oʼ the kirk, they gaed intil the hoose oʼ Simon and Andro, wiʼ James and John.
30Noo Simonʼs gude‐mither was lyin wiʼ a fivver; and syne they tellʼt him aboot her.
31And he gaed ben, and took her by the haun, and raisʼt her up; and the fivver left her: and she waitit on them.
32And at eʼenin, iʼ the gloamin,#1:32 The Sabbath‐day — when mony oʼ them wadna eʼen cairry a sick ane to be healed — bein noo past, they feshʼt them aʼ oot to the Great Physician! they brocht till him aʼ them that war ill, and them possessʼt wiʼ spirits;
33And the hail toun forgatherʼt at the door.
34And he healed mony that war ill wiʼ aʼ diseases; and cuist oot mony demons; and wadna lat the demons speak; for they kent him.
35And iʼ the mornin, lang afore the dawin, he raise up and gaed oot, and airtit him till a desert‐bit, and was thar prayin.
36And Simon, and the lave, followʼt eftir.
37And they faund him, and quoʼ they to him, “Aʼ folk seek thee!”
38And he says to them, “Lat us gang awa to the neist toons, that I may preach thar as weel; for to this end cam I oot.”
39And he gaed intil the kirks aʼ throwe Galilee, preachin and castin oot demons.
40And thar cam till him a leper, and besocht him, and loutit doon afore him, sayin to him, “Gin aiblins thou wad, thou can mak me clean!”
41And, touchʼt wiʼ rewth, he raxʼt oot his haun, and touchʼt him, and quoʼ he, “I wull; be ye clean!”
42And at ance the leprosy gaed frae him, and he was recoverʼt.
43And he stricklie chairged him; and than bad him awa;
44And says to him, “See! say ye nocht to ony; but gang yere ways, and schaw yersel to the priest, and offer for yere makin‐clean what Moses pat doon, to testify to them.”
45But he gaed oot, and begude to spread abreid the tale, sae that Jesus coud‐na gang intil ony citie, but was oot‐by in desert‐places: and they war comin till him frae aʼ pairts.

انتخاب شده:

Mark 1: SCO1904


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