Matthew 28
Risin frae the deid. The sodgers sic pitifuʼ leears. “Gae preach!”
1And at the hinner‐end oʼ the Sabbath, as it begude to break to the first day oʼ the week, cam Mary the Magdalene, and the ither Mary, to see the tomb.
2And see! a great yirdin! for an Angel oʼ the Lord cam doon frae Heeven, and cam and rowʼt awa the stane and sat onʼt.
3To look at him he was like the fire‐flaught, and his cleedin was white as the snaw;
4And, cuisten‐doon afore him, the gaird did trimmle, and war as deid men.
5But the angel, speaking to the weemen, said, “Be‐na ye fleyʼt! For I ken ye are seekin Jesus, the crucifyʼt.
6“He isna here! for he is risen, eʼen as he said! Come, see the bit whaur the Lord was lyin.
7“And gae quickly, and say ye to his disciples, ‘He is risen frae the deid!’ And mark! he gangs afore ye intil Galilee. Thar sal ye see him. See! I hae tellʼt ye!”
8And quickly leaʼin the tomb, in muckle fear and muckle joy, they ran to tak word to the disciples.
9And look! Jesus met them, and says, “All hail!” And they cam forrit, and grippit him by the feet, and worshippʼt him.
10Than says Jesus to them, “Fear‐na! But gae tell my brethren, sae as they may gang intil Galilee; thar sal they see me!”
11Noo, eʼen while they war gaun, some oʼ the gaird cam intil the citie, and tellʼt to the Heid‐priests aʼ that had been dune.
12And whan they had forgatherʼt wiʼ the Elders, and coonsellʼt thegither, they gied a routh oʼ siller till the sodgers;
13And quoʼ they, “Say ye, ‘His disciples cam in the nicht, and slippit awa wiʼ him whan we war sleepin.’
14“And aiblins gin this come afore the Governor, we wull cajole him, and mak it siccar for you!”
15Sae they liftit the siller, and did as they war tellʼt; and this tale was spread abreid amang the Jews — aye, eʼen to this day.
16And the eleeven disciples gaed awa intil Galilee, to a mountain whaur Jesus had trystit them.
17And, #28:17 Paul tells thar war mair nor fyve hunner oʼ them (1 Cor. 15:6). I canna think ony oʼ them wad continue to swither and doot. But the ferlie oʼ his Risin‐again was sae great, they bude hae time to lat the truth get fairly haud oʼ them!seein him, they adored him; hoobeit, some switherʼt.
18And Jesus, drawin nar, spak to them, sayin, “Thar has been gien to me aʼ pooer in Heeven, and on yirth!
19“Gang ye tharfor, and mak ye disciples oʼ aʼ the nations, bapteezin them intil the name oʼ the Faither, and oʼ the Son, and oʼ the Holie Spirit;
20“Schawin them hoo till observe aʼ things, eʼen as mony as I hae commandit ye. And tent ye! I am wiʼ ye aʼ the days; eʼen till aʼ time!”
انتخاب شده:
Matthew 28: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.