Matthew 25
The ten maidens, the witless and the wyss. The talents. The great day.
1“Than sal the Kingdom oʼ Heeven be like to ten maidens, takin ilk ane her ain crusie, and gaun oot to meet the bridegroom.
2“And fyve oʼ them war unco witless, and fyve war wyss.
3“For the witless took nae ulyie wiʼ them whan they took their crusies;
4“But the wyss took ulyie iʼ their pouries, wiʼ their lamps.
5“Noo, while the bridegroom cam‐na, they aʼ grew sleeperie, and dozed.
6“But at midnicht cam a shout, ‘Hey, the Bridegroom comes! C’way and meet him!’
7“Than raise aʼ thae maidens, and fettled up their crusies.
8“And the witless said to the wyss, ‘Gie us oʼ yere ulyie; for oor lamps are gaun oot.’
9“But the wyss answerʼt, and quoʼ they, ‘Aiblins thar wadna be eneuch for us and you; but raither gang ye to thae that sell, and seek for yersels.’
10“And while they war aff, trokin, the Bridegroom cam; and they that war ready gaed in wiʼ him till the marriage‐feast; and the door was steekit.
11“Then belvye cam the ither maidens, sayin, ‘My lord, my lord, open to us!’
12“But he answerʼt, and quoʼ he, ‘Truly say I tʼye, I dinna ken ye!’
13“Sae, tak ye tent! for ye ken‐na the day nor the ʼoor!
14“For it is juist like a man gaun till anither lanʼ, wha caʼd till him his servants, and gied ower to them his gear.
15“And to ane he gied fyve talents, to anither twa, and anither ane; to ilka ane accordin to his ain ability; and than he gaed on his journey.
16“Than he that had gotten the fyve talents, gaed and trokit and nifferʼt wiʼ the same, and made fyve talents oʼ increase.
17“And likewise the ane oʼ the twa talents, he gained twa mair.
18“But he that gat the ane, gaed awa and howkit iʼ the grunʼ, and hid awa his maisterʼs siller.
19“And, lang eftir, the maister oʼ thae servants comes; and has a reckonin wiʼ them.
20“And he that had gotten the fyve talents gien him, cam and said, ‘My lord! ye gied me five talents; see, I hae gotten fyve talents forby!’
21“His maister says to him, ‘Weel dune, gude and leal servant! ye hae been leal and true ower a wee wheen things; I wull gie ye chairge ower a hantle oʼ things. Enter ye intil the joy oʼ yere lord!’
22“Likewise he oʼ the twa talents cam forrit, and quoʼ he, ‘My lord! ye gied me twa talents; see, I hae gotten twa ither talents!’
23“His lord said, ‘Weel dune, gude and leal servant! Ye hae been leal and true ower a wee wheen things; I wull gie ye chairge ower a hantle oʼ things. Enter ye intil the joy oʼ yere lord!’
24“He, too, wha had gotten the ae talent, cam; and quoʼ he, ‘My lord! I kent ye war a siccar man, shearin whar ye sawʼd‐na, and gaitherin whar ye cuist‐na breid;
25“ ‘And I was fleyʼt, and gaed awa, and hid yere talent iʼ the grunʼ. See! ye hae yere ain!’
26“But his lord answerʼt him, and quoʼ he, ‘Wicked and feckless servant! did ye indeed ken that I shear whaur I saw‐na, and gaither whaur I cast‐na breid?
27“ ‘War ye no behauden than to gie ower my siller to the bankers? and at my hame‐comin I soud hae gotten back my ain, wiʼ interest.
28“ ‘Tak, then, the talent frae him; and gie it to him that has the ten talents!
29“ ‘For to ilk ane wha has, sal be gien, and he sal hae rowth; but frae him wha wants sal be taen awa eʼen what he has!
30“ ‘And cast ye the ungainfuʼ servant intil the ooter mirk; thar sal be greetin and cherkin oʼ teeth.’
31“But whan the Son oʼ Man sal come in his glorie, and aʼ the angels wiʼ him, than sal he sit on the thron oʼ his glorie.
32“And aʼ the nations sal be gaitherʼt afore him; and he wull pairt them ane frae anither, juist as a herd pairts the sheep frae the goats.
33“And he wull pit the sheep on his richt haun, but the goats on the left.
34“Then wull the King say to them on his richt haun, ‘Come ye, aʼ blessed oʼ my Faither! Inherit the Kingdom made ready for ye frae the up‐biggin oʼ the warld!
35“ ‘For I was hungerʼt, and ye gied me meat; I was drouthie, and ye gied me drink; I was a fremd ane, and ye took me in;
36“ ‘Strippit was I, and ye cled me; I was ill, and ye socht me oot; I was in thrall, and ye cam till me!’
37“Then wull the richtous say to him, ‘Lord! whan saw we thee hungerʼt, and gied meat? or drouthie, and gied drink?
38“ ‘Or whan saw we thee a fremd ane, and took thee in? Or strippit, and clad thee?
39“ ‘Or whan saw we thee ill, and in thrall, and cam to thee?’
40“Then sal he answer them, sayin, ‘Truly say I tʼye, in‐as‐muckle as ye did it to ane oʼ thae my brethren, eʼen they least anes, ye did it to me!’
41“Then, eke, sal he say to them on his left haun, ‘Awa frae me, ye curst, intil nevir‐endin lowe, made ready for the deevil and his angels!
42“ ‘For I was hungerʼt, and ye gied me nae meat; I was drouthie, and ye gied me nae drink;
43“ ‘I was a fremd ane, and ye took‐me‐na in; strippit, and ye didna cleed me; ill, and in thrall, and ye socht‐me‐na!’
44“Then, eke, wull they answer, sayin, ‘Lord! whan saw we thee hungerʼt, or drouthie, or fremd, or strippit, or ill, or in thrall, and didna serʼ thee?’
45“Then wull he answer them, sayin, ‘In‐as‐muckle as ye did‐it‐na till ane oʼ thir least anes, ye did‐it‐na to me!’
46“And thir sal gang awa intil nevir‐endin pyne; but the richtous intil nevir‐endin life.#25:46 Tak tent here, that baith the servant that did nocht wiʼ the talent, and the wicked that gaed awaʼ to the pit, war condemned, no for what they did, but for what they failed to do! Fauld yere hauns, and do naething — and yere doom is siccar!”
انتخاب شده:
Matthew 25: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.