Matthew 24
Behaulding Jerusalem; and tellin oʼ her pyne.
1And Jesus gaed oot frae the Temple, and was gangin his ways; and his disciples cam to airt him to look at the biggins oʼ the Temple.
2But he answerʼt tae them, “See‐ye‐na thae things? Truly say I tʼye, thar sal‐na remain here ae stane on anither that sanna be cuisten doon!”
3And as he#24:3 The Temple had the city ahint it, and faced the East, (aiblins that the worshippers comin tillʼt sould hae nae temptation to worship the sun): (see Ezek. viii. 16) and as they sat on Olivet, east oʼ the citie, it maun hae been ane oʼ the bonniest sichts iʼ the warld fornent them. It was wae that Jerusalem wasna as gude as she was bonnie! sat on the Mount oʼ Olives, his disciples cam till him by theirsels, and quoʼ they, “Tell us whan div thae things come? And what is the sign oʼ thy comin? and oʼ the hinner‐end oʼ the warld?”
4And Jesus answerʼt and quoʼ he, “Tak tent that nae man mistryst ye!
5“For mony sal come in my name, sayin, ‘I am the Anointit Ane!’ and sal lead mony a‐gley.
6“And ye sal hear oʼ weir, and aʼ the clash oʼ weir; but be‐na fleyt; for aʼ thae things maun come, but the end oʼ aʼ isna yet.
7“For nation sal rise again nation, and kingdom again kingdom; and thar wull be dearth, and yirdins, in a hantle places;
8“Noo, aʼ thir things schaw the oncome oʼ travail.
9“Than sal they gie ye up to dool, and sal slay you; and ye sal be hatit oʼ aʼ folk for the sake oʼ me.
10“Than sal mony stoiter; and they sal gie ane anither up, and sal hate ane anither.
11“And mony fause prophets sal rise, and lead mony a‐gley.
12“And, sin owerflowin, the love oʼ mony sal grow cauld.
13“But wha tholes to the hinner end sal be saved.
14“And thir Gude‐tidins oʼ the Kingdom sal be preached in aʼ the warld for a testimonie to the nations; and then sal the end come.
15“Whan, than, ye see the abomination that ruins aʼ, spoken oʼ by Daniel the Prophet, staunin iʼ the Holie Place (wha reads, lat him tak tent!)
16“Than thae that are in Judea, lat them hie to the mountains!
17“Lat him that is on the hoose‐tap no gang doon to tak ony oʼ his plenishin oot oʼ the hoose!
18“Nor lat him wha is in the croft, rin back to grip his mantle.
19“But wae for thae that are mithers to‐be! and for thae that gie sook iʼ thae days!
20“And pray that yere flittin be‐na iʼ the winter, or on the Sabbath!
21“For thar sal be dolor and dool, sic as nevir has been sinʼ the warld begude, till noo; na, nor evir sal be mair!
22“And but for that thae days hae been shortened, nae flesh soud hae been saved; but for the sake oʼ the waled‐oot, the days are shortened.
23“Than, gin ony man say tʼye, ‘See! here is the Anointit Ane!’ or ‘yonner!’ heed‐him‐na!
24“For thar sal rise fause Christs, and fause prophets, and they sal schaw unco signs and ferlies; sae as to lead awa, gin it war possible, eʼen the waled‐oot theirsels.
25“See! I hae tellʼt ye aforehaun!
26“Sae, gin they say tʼye, ‘See! he is in the desert!’ gang‐na oot; ‘Tak tent! he is ben iʼ the chaummer!’ believe‐it‐na!
27“For as the fire‐flaucht glints iʼ the East, and flares eʼen to the Wast, sae sal the comin oʼ the Son oʼ Man be.
28“Whaureʼer the carcase is, thar wull the kites be gaitherʼt thegither!
29“But incontinent eftir#24:29 The view widens noo, and taks in the great things oʼ the last days; the sun, mune, and starns denotin pooers and governments (as in Revelation). But verse 34 refers mair specially to the beginnin oʼ the things here spoken oʼ. the dool oʼ thae days, sal the sun be putten oot, and the mune sanna gie her licht, and the starns sal faʼ frae their places, and the pooers oʼ the heevens sal be cuisten doon.
30“And thar sal be displayʼd abreid the token oʼ the Son oʼ Man in Heeven; and than sal aʼ the tribes oʼ the yirth maen; and they sal see the Son oʼ Man come in the cluds oʼ Heeven, wiʼ unco pooer and glorie.
31“And he wull send oot his Angels wiʼ an unco blast oʼ a trumpet, and they sal gaither thegither his chosen frae the fowr wunds, frae ae far‐awa end oʼ Heeven to the ither.
32“Noo, frae the fig‐tree tak her lesson! Whan her young sprigs are tender, and the leaves are comin, ye ken simmer is nar;
33“And sae eʼen ye, whan ye see aʼ thir things, ken that it is nar‐haun, eʼen at yere doors.
34“Truly say I tʼye, this generation sanna pass awa, till aʼ thir things are dune!
35“Heeven and yirth may pass awa, but my words sanna pass awa!
36“But, anent yon day and ʼoor, nane kens — no eʼen the Angels in Heeven — but my Faither alane.
37“For eʼen as it was in Noahʼs days, sae sal be the comin oʼ the Son oʼ Man.
38“For as iʼ thae days afore the Flude, they war feastin and drinkin, marryin and giean in wedlock, to the vera day Noah gaed intil the ark,
39“And kent na till the Flude cam, and soopit them aʼ awa; sae sal be the comin oʼ the Son oʼ Man.
40“Than, twa sal be in the field; ane sal be taen, and the tither left.
41“Twa sal be grindin at the mill; ane is taen, and the tither left.
42“Tak gude tent tharfor! for ye ken‐na on what day yere Lord comes!
43“But tak ye tent oʼ this: that gin the gudeman had kent whan the reiver wad come, he wadna hae had his hoose howkit throwe!
44“Sae be ye aye ready! for ye ken‐na but at some ʼoor ye think‐na, the Son oʼ Man comes!
45“Wha than is the wyss and leal servant, wham his maister has putten ower his hoosehauld, to gie them their providin at due times?
46“Weel is the servant, wham his lord, whan he comes hame, sal finʼ sae doin.
47“Truly say I tʼye, he wull set him ower aʼ his haddin.
48“But, gin that ill servant sal say within his sel, ‘My lord is lang in comin!’
49“And sal begin to clour his fellow‐servants, and to feast and drink wiʼ the drucken,
50“The maister oʼ that servant sal come in a day he looks‐na for him, and at an ʼoor he kens‐na,
51“And sal smite him through; and his faʼ sal be wiʼ aʼ the fause anes: thar sal be greetin and cherkin oʼ teeth.
انتخاب شده:
Matthew 24: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.