Matthew 26
The sweet perfume oʼ Bethanie. The dool oʼ the garden. Jesus deliverʼt up.
1And sae it cam to pass, that whan Jesus had made an end oʼ thae sayins, he said to his disciples:
2“Ye ken that twa days mair, and the Pasche comes; and the Son oʼ Man is deliverʼt up to be crucifyʼt.”
3Than forgatherʼt the Heid‐priests and the Elders oʼ the nation intil the palace oʼ the Heigh‐priest — the ane caʼd Caiaphas.
4And coonsellʼt thegither that they might tak Jesus hidlins, and slay him.
5“But,” quoʼ they, “no at the Feast‐time; or thar wad be a stramash amang the people.”
6Noo, whan Jesus was in Bethanie, iʼ the hoose oʼ Simon the leper,
7Thar cam till him a wumman wiʼ an alabaster box oʼ unco precious perfume; and she teemed it on his heid as he was at meat.
8And the disciples, seein it, war put aboot, and quoʼ they, “For what is siccan a wastrie?
9“For this micht hae been sellʼt for muckle, and gien to the puir.”
10But Jesus, takin tent, says to them, “Why fash ye the wumman? For a wark that is bonnie has she wrocht on me.
11“For ye aye hae the puir wʼye; but ye hae‐na me aye!
12“For she, strinklin this perfume on my heid, did it for my burial.
13“Truly say I tʼye, whaursoeʼer thir Gude‐tidins sal be made kent iʼ the hail warld, this too oʼ what she has dune sal be tellʼt for a memorial oʼ her.”
14Than ane oʼ the Twal, the ane caʼd Judas Iscariot, gaed awa to the Heid‐priests,
15And quoʼ he tae them, “What meed wull ye gie me, and I wull deliver him up tʼye?” And they trokit wiʼ him for thretty merks.
16And frae that time forrit he watched for a time to betray him.
17Noo on the first oʼ the days oʼ the Sad Breid, the disciples cam to Jesus, askin him, “Whaur wull ye that we wull mak ready for ye to eat the Pasche?”
18And he says, “Gang awa intil the citie, tae sic and sic a #26:18 We ken‐na this man; but we feel as gin we were sib till him, for the kindness the Lord kent was in his heart! Some folk think this lairge upper room (Mark 14:15) was the ane whaur the Spirit cam doon on Pentecost. It is vera likely; but we dinna, and speir at him, ‘The Maister says, My time is comin; I keep the Pasche at yere hoose wiʼ my disciples!’ ”
19And the disciples did eʼen as Jesus tellʼt them; and they made ready for the Pasche.
20Noo whan the eʼenin was come, he sat doon at meat wiʼ the Twalʼ.
21And whiles they war eatin, he said, “Truly say I tʼye, that ane oʼ ye wull betray me!”
22And they were unco wae, and begude to say to him, ilk ane oʼ them, “Is it I, Lord?”
23And he said, “He wha dippit his haun wiʼ me in the dish, that ane wull betray me!
24“The Son oʼ Man gangs, as it was written oʼ him; but wae to that man by wham the Son oʼ Man was deliverʼt up! It war gude for yon man gin he nevir had been born!”
25And Judas, wha betrayʼt him, spak, and quoʼ he, “Isʼt I, Maister?” He says till him, “Eʼen as ye say!”
26And as they war eatin, Jesus took the laif, and gied thanks, and brak it, and gied to the disciples, sayin, “Tak, eat; this is my body!”
27And takin a cup, and giean thanks, he gied it to them, sayin, “Drink ye aʼ oʼt!
28“For this is my blude oʼ the New Covenant, whilk is shed for mony, for the pittin‐awa oʼ sins!
29“But I say till ye, I drink nae mair forrit oʼ this frute oʼ the vine, till yon day whan I drink it new wiʼ you iʼ my Faitherʼs Kingdom!”
30And whan they had sung praise, they gaed oot intil the Mount oʼ Olives.
31Than says Jesus till them, “Aʼ ye sal finʼ cause oʼ stumblin in me this nicht; for it is putten‐doon, ‘I wull clour the Shepherd; and the sheep oʼ his hirsel sal be scatterʼt abreid!’
32“But eftir my Risin, I wull gang afore ye intil Galilee.”
33Peter answerin, says to him, “Gin aʼ soud stumble in thee, yet nevir wad I stumble!”
34Jesus says to him, “Truly say I tʼye, that this vera nicht, ʼor ever the cock craw, ye sal thrice disown me!”
35Peter threepit to him, “Gin I soud dee wiʼ thee, yet wull I no disown thee!” And siclike said aʼ the disciples.
36Than cam Jesus wiʼ them intil a place caʼd Gethsemanie; and says to the disciples, “Sit ye here, till I gang yonner and pray.”
37And takin wiʼ him Peter and Zebedeeʼs twa sons, he grew unco fuʼ oʼ sorrow, and sair putten‐aboot.
38Than says he to them, “My saul is unco sorrowfuʼ, eʼen to death! Bide ye here, and watch wiʼ me!”
39And he gaed on a wee bit yont, and fell on his face, and prayed, sayin, “O my Faither! gin it be possible, lat #26:39 See Mark 14:36, note.this cup pass by me! yet, no as I wull, but as Thou wult!”
40And he comes till the disciples, and finʼs them sleepin; and quoʼ he to Peter, “Eʼen sae! Coud‐ye‐na watch wiʼ me ae ʼoor?
41“Tak ye tent, and pray, gin ye faʼ‐na intil temptation! The spirit is indeed wullin, but the flesh is waff!”
42Again a second time he gaed aff, and prayed, sayin, “O my Faither! gin this canna gang by me unless I drink it, Thy wull be dune!”
43And, comin again, he faund them sleepin; for their een had wan heavisome.
44And he left them again, and gaed awa, and prayed a third time, sayin the same words.
45And he comes till his disciples; and says he tae them, “Sleepin are ye noo, and takin yere rest? Tent ye! the ʼoor is at haun; and the Son oʼ Man is deliverʼt intil the hauns oʼ evil men!
46“Rise ye, and lat us be gaun! See, he is at haun wha betrays me!”
47And eʼen while he yet spak, look! Judas, ane oʼ the Twalʼ, cam, and wiʼ him a great thrang, wiʼ swords, and rungs, frae the Heid‐priests, and elders oʼ the nation.
48And he wha betrayed him, had gien them a sign, and quoʼ he, “Wha I sall kiss, that same is he; grip him!”
49And at ance he cam to Jesus, and said, “Hail, Maister!” wiʼ unco kissin.
50And Jesus said to him, “Freend, for what did ye come?” Than cam they, and pat their hauns on Jesus, and grippit him.
51And see! ane oʼ them that war wiʼ Jesus, raxʼt oot his haun, and drew a sword, and strack a servant oʼ the Heigh‐priest, and sned aff his lug.
52Than said Jesus to him, “Pit up yere blade intil its place; for aʼ they wha tak oot the sword, by the sword sal dee!
53“Think‐ye‐na that I coud pray my Faither, and he soud send me mair nor twalʼ legions oʼ Angels?
54“But hoo than coud the Scripturs be fulfilled that sae it soud be?”
55In that ʼoor said Jesus to the thrang, “Cam ye oot as again a robber, wiʼ swords and rungs to tak me? I sat day by day, teachin in the Temple, and ye grippit‐me‐na.”
56But aʼ this was dune, that the writins oʼ the Prophets soud come to pass. Than aʼ his disciples desertit him, and fled.
57And they wha had taen Jesus led him awa till Caiaphas, the Heigh‐priest, whaur the Scribes and the Elders war forgatherʼt.
58But Peter followʼt far ahint, to the Heigh‐priestʼs palace; and gaed in, and sat wiʼ the servants, to see the end.
59Noo the Heid‐priests and the hail Cooncil socht fause witnesses again Jesus, that they micht pit him to deid;
60But faund‐them‐na, thoʼ a hantle cam forrit as witnesses. At last cam twa,
61And said, “This Ane said, ‘I am able to destroy the Temple oʼ God, and up‐bigg it in thrie days!’ ”
62And the Heigh‐priest raise, and quoʼ he, “Answer‐ye‐na! What isʼt that thir are witnessin again ye?”
63But Jesus was silent. And the Heigh‐priest said, “I adjure ye by the Leevin God, that ye tell us gin ye be The Anointit, the Son oʼ God?”
64Jesus says to him, “Ye hae said it! Natheless, I say tʼye, here‐eftir sal ye see the Son oʼ Man seatit at the richt haun oʼ pooer, and cominʼ iʼ the cluds oʼ Heeven!”
65Than did the Heigh‐priest rive his garments, and quoʼ he, “He has spoken profanely! What need hae we oʼ mair witnesses? Tent ye! ye hae noo heard his profane speech!
66“Hoo dis it seem to ye?” They answerʼt and said, “He is wordie oʼ death!”
67Than they spat in his face, and baffʼt him; and ithers strack him wiʼ the loof,
68Sayin, “Prophesie tae us, thou Anointit Ane! Wha wasʼt that clourʼd thee?”
69Noo, Peter was sittin oot‐by iʼ the coort‐yaird: and a maid cam till him, sayin, “Ye war wiʼ Jesus oʼ Galilee!”
70But he denyʼt fornent them aʼ; threepin, “I ken‐na what yeʼre sayin!”
71And whan he was gane oot intil the porch, anither lassie saw him, and says to them that war thar, “This ane, too, was wiʼ Jesus, the Nazarene!”
72And again he denyʼt wiʼ an aith, “I ken‐na the man!”
73And eftir a wee, they that stude by cam and said to Peter, “Oʼ a sooth ye are ane oʼ them; for yere tongue tells on ye!”
74Than begude he to curse and ban, “I ken‐na the man!” And at ance the cock crew.
75And Peter caʼd to mind the word Jesus spak, “Afore the cock craw, ye wull thrice disown me!” And he gaed oot, and grat sair.
انتخاب شده:
Matthew 26: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.