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The Fire WithinEjemplo

The Fire Within

DÍA 30 DE 35



The last chapter of Jonah brings this beautiful story to its climax. It shows us just how ugly the human heart is apart from God. Now we know why Jonah ran away in the first place. He had so much anger and unforgiveness towards the Ninevites. He was willing to let the Ninevites die, and was more concerned about the vine that gave him shade and comfort. It was a twisted set of priorities.

But here we also see how loving and kind God is. He knew about the sins of the Ninevites but He said, “Should I not be concerned about that great city?” God’s concern is for sinners. He loves them and does not want any to perish. That is why He sent Jesus to die for us while we were still sinful.

Sometimes we are like Jonah—spiritually proud, unloving, and unforgiving to lost people. Maybe they are our friends or family members who do not know Jesus. What we need is to remember what Jesus did for us. When we are changed by the love of God for us as shown in Jesus, we become like God—loving and serving the lost.


1. How has God shown you unconditional love? Do you remember how hopeless and helpless you were in sin apart from Him? How does this make you grateful?
2. Are there times that you are like Jonah—angry, irritated, and unloving to your lost friends and family? Why? How does Jesus’ unconditional love for you help you love them?


1. Thank God now for His love that never runs out and never gives up on us. Remember how terrible our sin was and how much greater God’s love is.
2. Let us practice Jesus’ command to love our enemies. Pray and ask God to give you one tangible action you can do for someone who has hurt you. Whatever it is, let us remember that Jesus gives us the ability to love because He first loved us.
Día 29Día 31

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The Fire Within

Keep the fire of faith within burning by taking a moment daily to speak with the very Reason why we live life with much passion—Jesus. Together, for the next thirty-five days, let us develop this precious habit of studying and living out God's Word. Copyright © 2013 Every Nation


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